Excerpts from the Melmac Recipe Book

Excerpts from the Melmac Recipe Book From the Geminga Goumand In honour of Melmacian Cat Day, we present these excerpts from the Melmac Recipe Book. Have a happy Melmacian Cat Day. Other than bats, there is not really any indigenous mammals to Araxes. Near the spaceports and settlements with a lot of offworlders, there is inevitably it seems to be an infestation of rodents. Some offworlders have cats as pets. Some become feral. When planning to emigrate offworld, usually seeking adventure either in the Imperium Navy or on a private merchant vessel, sometimes native Araxi try to get acclimated to eating mammalian flesh. Hence, we have a lot of recipes for preparing various rodents, but also cat. Easy cat recipes for first time and inexperienced cat cookers from the Melmac Recipe Book. Mozzerella Cat Whirl Ingredients • 1 1/2 pounds ground or minced cat • 1 1/2 pounds chopped onions and green peppers • 1/2 cup soft bread crumbs • 1 egg, lightly beat...