Physical Roots of Prana Bindu प्राण बिंदु

Physical Roots of Prana Bindu प्राण बिंदु

Prana (प्राण) means "life force" or "vital principle". There are those who believe the Prana (प्राण) permeates reality on all levels including inanimate object.

Prana in this way is similar to the concept of Vitalism, the belief that "living organisms are fundamentally different from non-living entities because they contain some vital principle, non-physical element or are governed by different principles than are inanimate things". Vitalism explicitly invokes a vital principle of some sort, whether referred to as the "vital spark", "life-force","energy", or "élan vital", etc, which some equate with the soul.

While the evidence based scientific community has moved away from the concepts like Vitalism, yogic adherents and practitioners continue undeterred in great numbers. Araxi Desertborn are a bit more rational and just consider that to be figurative.

Despite this, Prana Bindu is very popular among the Desertborn, although levels of immersion and devotion vary greatly. It is second only to Kimagure in popularity. Kimagure (which means whimsical) is a demanding practice with three tiers, physical, marital, and mystical. The Kimagure Mystical Tier supposedly endows practitioners with the ability to see a fraction of a second into the future.

Bindu (बिंदु) is the point at which creation begins and may become unity, mystics describe it as point of the unmanifested state.

Prana Bindu is distinct as one of the few Imperium cultural practices that continued into Araxi culture. Some of the body awareness practices are enhanced thru the use of the spice, but otherwise the practice is pursued in the traditional methods.

Prana is only one of the five Vayu’s, in yogic practices it refers to specifically the exhales breathe. Apana, Udana, Samana and Vyana are the other four Vayu’s and are separate principles and practices. Prana Bindu (प्राण बिंदु) is what is most known to outsiders and the practice begins with learning how to breathe and how to use breathing to access greater control of the body.

The yogic practice of Prana Bindu (प्राण बिंदु), is the practice of optimizing or maximizing the Point of Life Force Vitality, depending on its application.

Maximizing or optimizing one’s Life Force Vitality are mutually exclusive practices, one must choose.

Because of different operational priorities of the humani body and for safety reasons, the Humani Brain restricts Humani strength and other aspects of humani physical performance. Prana Bindu (प्राण बिंदु) can allow practitioners to overcome these limits, but at a painful and dangerous cost.

Humani Musculature Differences

Prana Bindu is a uniquely Humani practice, because Humani have a unique musculature not found elsewhere among other species. The practices of Prana Bindu would therefore yield them no benefits, although I suppose sitting quietly has its own rewards.

Sometimes cited as evidence that Humani not naturally evolving from indigenous species, Humani use a different means for powering its musculature.

Humani muscles mainly oxidize glucose for energy, while other animals use primarily anaerobic glycolysis. Humani produce much more energy for use than other animals, which is pivotal for its endurance and heat tolerance, but as a trade off other animals produce more energy per second, much faster than Humani.

Muscles move by Actin and Myosin Bridges. When the brain or spinal column sends a moving signal, the energy used detaches Myosin from the Actin and sends it hurtling further up the Actin Belt until it finds another binding site on the Actin, then the process repeats until it is contracted or moved to the desired position.

Each Actin - Myosin Cycle is called a Twitch, and each Twitch needs energy to happen, hence all the Fast and Slow Twitch Fibers you have probably seen referenced on various articles and forums. Humani Muscles are like Mini Grappling Hooks. The fastest Twitch Speed (how fast the muscles can cycle through the binding) the muscle can reach and the maximum force the Myosin can attain when hurtling towards a new bonding site are factors that determine the muscle’s full potential (maximum strength or speed).

Although the brain regulates how much strength is used by recruiting only certain muscle portions, it also controls the strength output of each individual Myocyte (Muscle Fiber) by modifying the Actin and Myosin Bridges.

Glycolytic “Fast Twitch” Muscle, named so because of the high speed it can cycle at, and vice verse for slow twitch, may produce less energy than the oxidative “slow twitch” muscle in total, but it produces more energy per second and much faster. Because it cycles faster, the Glycolytic “Fast Twitch” Muscle can lift or whatever, much more than the slower cycling muscles. This is also related to why muscles ache after intense use.

Contrary to popular belief Lactate or rather Lactic Acid barely affects muscle function. Rather, this arises when the Actin and Myosin Crossbridges are overstressed from so much activity or when the load is incrementally larger than the maximum force Myosin can give from latching on to the Actin Strip.

Fast Twitch Muscle cycles the crossbridging so fast that it overstresses their Myofibrils (the containers the Actin and Myosin Bridges reside in) within mere seconds or slightly over a minute if the animal is built for it, exponentially much faster than Slow Twitch Muscles.

Not only that, the Crossbridges of Fast Twitch Muscles are designed specifically for raw power but overlooks endurance, while Slow Twitch Muscles have Crossbridges that are much sturdier. The metabolism Fast Twitch Muscles use, while faster at producing energy than slow twitch, is really inefficient. Not only does the metabolism of Fast Twitch Muscles produce a lot less energy in total, (output of around 3-5 per 1 metabolic activity as opposed to oxygen related means yielding 35 energy for 1 metabolic activity.), it produces lots of Lactate as an unwanted byproduct. This doesn't affect the muscle function much, but it becomes the body's job to clear up the Lactate and with the amount of Lactate produced it has to work extra hard to do so.

Oxygen related metabolism in muscles will eat just about anything and turn it into a large quantity of energy. You can even feed it fat directly and it's perfectly content with that, but not the Fast Twitch Muscles. In contrast, it greedily sucks up enourmouns amounts of Glucose to power itself when it is exerting force on something. It doesn't accept anything besides Glucose or Glycogen. And it consumes so much of it yet produces laughable amounts of energy, albeit just faster than the other form of metabolism. The huge amount of Glucose being sucked from Humani blood to power this soon takes a heavy toll, they feel very tired and want nothing more than to crawl into bed.

If Humani were to use their full strength, they would be comparable to most animals in their similar weight category, but Humani can only utilize 50% of any group of skeletal muscle motor units at any given time, usually much less. Other animal can utilize all of their skeletal muscle motor units straightaway, including other non-hominoid primate species.

Humani normally don't get to utilize full strength. Humani bones are relatively strong for their size and weight, but they would never be able to sustain the maximum capacity of their muscles if they were under maximum capacity for very much time. Normally Humani are kept from this in many ways. The Humani brain restricts how hard each individual Myocyte, or Muscle Cell can pull. Almost never are Humani allowed to pull a single muscle group at full force. Secondly, Humani primarily have Slow Twitch Myocytes, so under normal conditions their Twitch would never be fast enough to sustain a heavy load. Thirdly, Humani Central Nervous System never lets Humani use all their Myocytes, even when they try very hard to. Some signals are automatically cut and suppressed before Humani Muscles get them.

When Humani desperately try to lift a heavy weight yet couldn't, but they never felt any pain; that's the recruited portion of Slow Twitch Muscles struggling to cycle hard and fast enough to lift said thing, but because Slow Twitch Muscles are very enduring they don't feel pain. When Humani eventually manage to grab hold of the weight and eventually try to lift it over their head and suddenly felt the searing pain in their arm after a while. This searing pain was because they managed to grab onto something their Slow Twitch Muscles cannot support, the brain called in what few Faster Twitch Muscles were available. The Faster Twitch Muscles burn out very quickly. If Humani could activate every single Slow Twitch and some Faster Twitchers and made each and every one of them pull to maximum force they would be able to do many things easily, including easily flex a 50 kilogram barbell, but because of aforementioned central nervous system reasons, they cannot do so.

Under certain extreme situations, hell breaks loose and suddenly the automatic system that normally yells “POWER BACK!!!” when they try to use force goes dead silent. The brain stops restricting the access to the muscle groups, nothing is there to stop them now. The Humani Central Nervous System Recruitment now can use every single muscle as it pleases, and as much as it wants to. This advantage is almost immediately evident as they realize they suddenly have no trouble throwing punches. Pain becomes non-existent.

This is not what make Humani nearly 3 times stronger than they seem, instead they evoke a very unique and tricky solution.

Fast Twitch Muscles are stronger than Slow Twitch Muscles. All animals are strong because they pack lots of Fast Twitch into very dense bundles, and also because their Myosin and Actin Crossbridges are somewhat of a better quality than those of Humani. When an animal gives it's all, it gets Epinephrine (Adrenaline) and Norepinephrine (variant of Adrenaline called Noradrenaline) to further increase its strength, by numbing the effects of overstressed Crossbridges, temporarily increasing Glucose to an all time high so they have no trouble providing Glucose for the hungry Fast Twitch for a limited time, and also causing the muscles to be a little more efficient and they hit harder than they usually do. This is not the case with Humani, they are designed much differently.

Instead of doing the same Fast Twitch trick like with other animals, Humani have a very hacky solution. Humani Slow Twitch Muscles respond to Epinephrine much more prominently, it sends their Twitch Speed into Overdrive. The normally slow oxidative processes of the Slow Twitch Muscles suddenly accelerates so much that they reach the same speeds as the Fast Twitch Muscles, with little to no decrease in energy. Suddenly Slow Twitch Muscles are cycling at such a speed that they don't even resemble Humani strength. Slow Twitch Muscles consume just about any energy source, produces a lot of energy from much less power source substrate, and have Crossbridges much more durable than Fast Twitch Muscles.

Because Slow Twitch Muscles produce so much energy, Humani won’t run out of energy when the sugar in their bloodstream runs out, because their muscles aren't draining lots of glucose from the blood, and because there's so much energy that means more can be used to propel the Myosin, which means Humani hit a LOT harder now. Because Slow Twitch Crossbridges can withstand more stress forget about hoping that said Humani’s Muscles will start to ache and burn. Now you have a Humani with high stamina, and can hit VERY hard. Although doing this often or for much times would lead to frequent self-inflicted injuries.

In most other animals, a single Motor Neuron innervates around 10 Myocytes. A single Humani Motor Neuron have one Motor Neuron to innervates around 1 or 2 Myocytes, which allows Humani fine Motor Control. When Humani are under certain kinds of stress, their fine Motor Control System is capable of acting at full strength like other animals, but retains ability for Fine Motor Control. In addition, Humani certain high level brain functions in the Frontal Cortexes does not shut down like in most animals, it fires into overdrive along with the rest of the Brain, allowing Humani sometimes to make intelligent decisions despite under extreme rage or stress.

Humani are not designed for great speed or strength, but for fine motor control, heat tolerance, and endurance. Operating its skeletal muscles under great strain would result in frequent and extreme injuries which interfere with the needs of fine motor control and endurance.

Humani may be weaker compared to those Wolves, Great Cats, and Great Apes, etc, and almost any animal in its weight-class, but all of those animals lack the fine motor control from the Motor Neuron to Myocytes Ratio, and most lack the endurance or heat tolerance of Humani.

To optimize the fine motor control by enhancing the Motor Neuron to Myocytes Ratio, it must be protected by limiting the strength and speed of the skeletal muscles.

The Prana is the first entry into the Bindu practices. Once you understand breathing, then you are ready to progress thru the other Vayu’s, then the 72,000 Nadis Channels, and so forth.



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