Sothothery is the embodiment of existential terror.

 Sothothery is the embodiment of existential terror.

Sothothery represents the existential terror that comes from the realization of our own smallness, insignificance and vulnerability in the cosmic scheme of things. From the inside, we think of ourselves as the very locus of significance, from the outside, we are quite insignificant.

Religions over the ages have made a comfortable living trying to sooth the masses that they are more significant than they seem. Buy this string, kill this chicken, say this chant, and the gods will consent to your request. Cash only please, no checks or credit.

Sothothery reveals forces so large as to be nearly beyond our comprehension, complex and advanced beyond our understanding, and powerful beyond our ability to even affect much less control or defeat.

Sothothery fear come from being confronted with the fundamental misunderstanding of our importance in the universe.

The revelation about our meaninglessness is what brings madness. There is no special relationship with a divine creator which will grant us exception, there is no moral balance to the universe that assures the triumph of humanitarian ideals.

The fear is not about some squidlike creature that can be dispatched by plucky heroes or even a giant squidlike boss creature requiring the combines efforts of a platoon of plucky heroes and their muscular technology.

Sothothery is not about something that is accessible to shoot. Once it becomes something you can shoot in the face, it loses its significance.

You can kill Camus (if he doesn’t kill himself first), but you can’t kill the existential angst that comes from novel The Stranger.

The fear is not just about the creatures, but instead the fear of powers we can’t comprehend or understand. We have no way to relate its unknowable vastness and illimitable power to our mortal scale of abilities.

For Sothoth to bleed is to give others the wrong impression that their efforts are not futile or some belief that there is some vector of understanding they can comprehend of the thing they face. The anxiety of Sothothery is the opposite, it is the lack of hope and never being able to gain a metric that can measure.

Humani actions are ineffectual and inconsequential to the Sothoths. The wind and the sun also do not care if you have lived a moral ethical upstanding life.

Sothothery is not an adversary, objective or goal, it is only a presence, an insurmountable shadow that looms over existence.

Too often people vainly hope they can defeat what adversary may come or at least seal them up or banish them.

The desperate hope should not be to overcome or even withstand it, but maybe be inconsequential enough so it does not notice us so and we can possibly avoid being punished for our curiosity and be the lucky ones to survive or to have one’s limbs, internal organs and sanity mostly intact.

People seek empowerment by being larger, more important and significant than life normally allows. It is also about the exceptionalist triumph of the ideals of humanity. This is contrary to the revealed Sothothic truth about the disempowered insignificance and smallness of our existence.

Sothothery also reveals a lack of control. The belief in control is an illusion. The illusion that humani and its allies are the dominant species and there is no problem their minds and bodies can’t master. This is a carefully constructed lie perpetrated by the traditional religions, maintainable only by our own ignorance supported by society at large.

When the society’s promises of stability is proved false, crime and anarchy follows. In much the same way, when the veil is lifted on the illusions about control and significance, terror and madness follows.

There is no guarantee of a happy ended or even an understanding of the resolution.

There would be a debatable choice of endings such as whether survival was a victory condition, perhaps maintaining one’s sanity and able to continue to relate to reality. You would be forced to try to make sense of the obscure.

This brings us around to the idea of hypersanity. Explaining the truth of existence to the uninitiated will be met with jeers, shunning, scorn and disbelief, plus doubts about one’s credibility and sanity.

Part of the Sothoth experience is that isolation from hypersanity. It is having an experience that everyone needs to know but no one is willing to accept. Questioning your rational mind whether it more reasonable that the entire universe is ignorant to its peril or that you have lost your grasp of reality.

Sothothery is not about some series of intimidating cephalopod that needs to be overcome or thwarted by force and wits. One needs to be prepared for destroying the empowerment fantasy and being immerse in the lack of control and feeling of agency

Ultimately we will have to accept moving away from the fantasy of fighting the great and powerful Sothoths and accepting that we exist in a universe where Sothothery exerts an inexorable influence.

The stars and the wind don’t care how you feel and neither does Yog Sothoth and its kin.

That does not mean that all decisions are ineffectual and futile. It just means that the great Sothoths are beyond our ken.

There are myriad other deluded beings who have traded in the traditional saviours and religious comforts for another delusion of serving these other powers in the universe. While they may have some advantage with secret knowledge and access to ancient advanced technology, they are still finite beings. They are perhaps a few steps deeper in the veils than you, but they are still quite deluded nevertheless. They are finite and defeatable.

The Elder Things, the Great Race of Yith, the Yugguthian Mi-Go, the flying Yaskshtondian Polyps, even the the Byakhee and The Deep One, are very alien and very advanced, but they are finite embodied beings.

Deep ones and other minions like other acolytes, agents and other forms of proxies are finite embodied beings with comprehendible objectives and agendas. If you prick them, do they not bleed? if you poison them, do they not die? If you wrong them, shall they not revenge?

Azathoth, N'yog-Sothep, Yog Sothoth, Shub-Niggurath, Cthulhu, Hastur, Cthaeghya, Cthugha and the other aethereal beings shall never manifest and neither would we ever know if they were to manifest. They are as pervasive and ever present as gravity, entropy, and time, and as ethereal and undefeatable. The aethereals rule the universe in their incomprehendable, we can only try to affect the finite minions who try to also deal with the chaos and meaningless of existence in their own way.



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