Retrocausality Transcription and Visser Effects
Retrocausality Transcription and Visser Effects
When something changes the past, history must rewrite itself using a best matching system to minimize the energy requirements in the rewrite. Where the points don’t match up, Visser radiation occurs. If the conflict is too great, the Visser radiation will burn out one or more of the points that don’t match up, the cause is almost always the first point of redaction, the actual time travelling entity. If this redaction process would not solve the matching issue, various anomalies and interference phenomena result.
These anomalies as 'retrocausality transcription errors', which also includes so-called mirror universe duplicates as 'transcription errors'.
Visser radiation often reveals older anomalies which had been previously created and must be resolved or retranscribed.
Superluminal (Faster than Light FTL) Travel is time travel. If you teleport from Earth to Alpha Centauri, you are technically four years in the past. If you build a wormhole bridge between Earth and Alpha Centauri, you travel 4 years into the past, but this does not cause a problem. If you send a radio message back, it will arrive 4 years later; no conflict. If you take the same wormhole back, this is also not a problem. If instead you try to build a DIFFERENT wormhole back to Earth, then you will have Visser Radiation to contend with.
Visser Radiation (an actual thing) occurs when anything creates a conflict with history. Going to warp near a wormhole or black hole for example. Go back in time, the radiation won’t be that extreme unless you try to kill your grandmother; the Visser radiation will delete you. The danger is always to the cause of the conflict, the time traveller itself.
The Federationalist equivalent is the wormhole that results from trying to go to warp inside of the gravity well of star or massive planet. Wormholes are fabulous FTL, but it is strictly Slower-than-Light in their immediate local neighbourhood of the wormhole caustic. Any massive object travelling faster than 70.7% of the speed of light near the wormhole caustic will also be slowed down by virtue of Visser Radiation.
You cannot go to warp near a wormhole, nor launch a singularity. The way to evaporate a wormhole is to put more than the mass of the wormhole system in one direction than the other. That mass would have to travel less than 70.7% of the speed of light and not appreciably warp space. The defence is merely to put an equivalent amount of mass in the other direction. Advanced civilizations must still resort to throwing large rocks at each other.
Visser Radiation is associated with all FTL other than wormholes. In open space beyond the gravity well of stars and planets, it is manageable, but in the gravity well of a star or planet, difficulties result.
For a solar standard mass star, that is about five astronomical units. For a Jovian Standard Mass, it is about 2.5 light-seconds. For a Terran Standard Mass, the Visser Limit is about 2000 kilometers.
During the Federationalist Starfleet mission to deal with the V’Ger Incident, Admiral Kirk gets impatient and rushes to go to warp while still too deep within the gravity well of the solar system. The result is a wormhole with equivalent mass asteroid coming in the opposite direction directly towards the ship:
If anyone that uses any kind of subspace, hyperspace, warping of the space-time or whatever form of FTL or takes something like a quantum singularity out into the Mu Draco sector of space, will have to dodge various spatial/temporal/subspace/hyperspace/chaotic-space anomaly or interference phenomenon. This includes those TARDISes.
One is not always deleted from the history of the universe like USD’s Doctor Issac, go on walkabout in a parallel universe like Korvar, or have your mirror universe duplicate menace you; most often you are beset by horribly dangerous flight conditions that nearly cripples your ship. This is what Sisko Aries’ STC (Starfleet Torchwood Command) did essentially every week. It is already established that the Mu Draconis Sector is one of the more anomaly prone areas of space.
Why is FTL really bad in the gravity well of a solar system? FTL is time travel. If you fly from Earth to Mars at 8 times the speed of light, you travelled back in time 7 minutes. That potentially causes a retrocausal event which the universe has to re-transcribe mass and energy in the vicinity.
The energy cost of that is that 1/2mc^2. 100 ton starship per se, imagine 100 tons of antimatter. The mass density on the surface of mars, the energy density will evaporate you.
Instead, imagine the 1 proton per centimeter density of matter in interstellar space. The disturbance won't even register on the shields.
FTL in deep space, not an issue. In the relatively dense interplanetary space of the inner solar system with heavier dust, particles, micrometeroids, and even larger unsurveyed rocks, an issue. Plus, the universe is going to find the simplest solution to resolve the conflict, that usually mean editing out you not rewriting the rest of creation.
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