How to build a stargate and how to turn your Stargate into a T.A.R.D.I.S. using Class Five Capabilities.

How to build a stargate and how to turn your Stargate into a T.A.R.D.I.S. using Class Five Capabilities.

(Also a primer about retrocausality and temporal physics)

CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerates one half nanogram (billionths of a gram, about 301 trillion particles) of protons to 99.997% of the speed of light. This in relativistic terms is the equivalent of about 7455 times the speed of light. This is the energy equivalent of 28 milligrams of antimatter, or about 4.5 grams of fusionable deuterium or about 17.5 grams of reactor grade uranium or about 9200 gallons of petrol. This is early 21st century (Class 5) capability.

Instead of a beam of protons, the LHC could launch a wormhole mouth. 21.7651 micrograms is the minimum mass (Planck mass) of a wormhole pair. Just as a 21.8 microgram wormhole pair is formed, enough magnetic flux lines of force are threaded in to hold it open so it doesn’t collapse into a blackhole which would then promptly evaporate in a quarter ton TNT equivalent explosive flash of Hawkings Radiation. Unfortunately there is no non-explosive process to create such magnetic flux using early 21st century (Class 5) capability, but it is easier than trying to find exotic matter with negative mass. An equivalent mass of 21.8 micrograms of magnetic monopoles is sufficient, but usually requires a particle accelerator of great precision to make the insertion and even then there is some amount of trial and error.

Once the wormhole mouth has been successfully held open, lines of electrical force are threaded through it until about 2 Coulombs of charge has passed through the wormhole. This can be done with a 20-microampere electron beam passing through the wormhole for about 6 days. The result is that the wormhole mouth will have the same charge-to-mass ratio as protons and will behave like a mass of protons in the electric and magnetic fields of a particle accelerator. With the same charge to mass ratio of protons, each of the wormhole mouths can be easily moved around.

Transport the “traveling wormhole mouth” to Meyrin, Switzerland and place into CERN’s Large Hadronic Collider (LHC). The other wormhole mouth can remains safely in the Temporal Analysis Retrocausality Differential Integrated Sciences laboratory, along with stabilizing and steering equipment. The Large Hadronic Collider at full design capacity is able to accelerate each of its colliding proton beams to 7.0 TeV (7.0 x 10^12 electron volts). The LHC accelerates the wormhole mouth to the same energy per unit rest mass as a 7-TeV proton, extract the containment beam, point it at the destination star, then launch it.

A proton with a total energy of 7.0 TeV has a Lorentz gamma factor (g = [1 - (v/c)2]1/2 = E/M) of 7,455. The accelerated wormhole mouth will have the same Lorentz factor. This is the factor by which the total mass-energy E of the proton moving at this high velocity v exceeds its rest mass M. It is also the factor by which time dilates, i.e., by which the clock of a hypothetical observer riding on the proton would slow down. The wormhole is traveling at a velocity that is only a tiny fraction less than the speed of light, so it travels a distance of one light-year in just slightly one year. To an observer riding inside the wormhole mouth, because of relativistic time dilation the distance of one light-year would be covered in only 1/7,455 of a year or 70.5 minutes.

If you peek through the other wormhole mouth that is at rest in the laboratory, you see the universe from the perspective of an observer riding on the traveling wormhole mouth. In other words, in 70.5 minutes after its launch from CERN, through the wormhole you will be able to view the universe one light-year away. Later, in 11.7 hours, you will view the surroundings 10 light-years away. In 4.9 days, you will view the surroundings 100 light-years away.

As Morris, Thorne, and Yurtserver pointed out, the special relativity of time dilation makes a wormhole with one high-velocity mouth into a time machine. The wormhole mouth, 100 light-years away, connects back in time to its departure point only five days after it left. From our point of view, it has moved 100 light-years at a speed of 7,455 c.

“back reaction” as it applies to wormhole ends must be used for the traveling wormhole mouth to be aimed accurately from its start at CERN that it might it actually pass through another star system many light-years away, to survey its planets and so on and stop when it got there. It is not possible to change the amount of conserved quantities like mass-energy, electric charge, and momentum in the local space region around the wormhole mouths. If an electric charge disappears into a wormhole mouth, the entry mouth acquires the quantity of electric charge that passed through it. If a mass goes through, the entry mouth becomes more massive. And if a high momentum particle goes through, the entry mouth is pushed forward with that momentum. In this way, the local mass-energy, charge, and momentum in the vicinity of the wormhole mass do not change. No mass-energy, charge, or momentum can magically appear or disappear.

If a positive electric charge emerges from the exit wormhole mouth, the mouth acquires an equal and opposite charge, so that the net charge in the region does not change. An emerging massive particle causes the exit mouth to lose mass-energy, and an emerging high-momentum particle gives the exit mouth a recoil momentum in the opposite direction. This is called back reaction. Back-reaction is wormholes can’t be used to refuel spaceships, but it could be used to trade equal masses of cargo for fuel.

Momentum back-reaction can be used to steer the traveling wormhole mouth. The direction of travel as viewed through the wormhole can be monitored. Course corrections can be made by directing a high-intensity light beam through the laboratory-based wormhole mouth at right angles to the direction of travel. The exit mouth will lose a bit of mass-energy in this process, but it will also be gaining some mass-energy as interstellar gas passes through to compensate. Density and type of interstellar material is a major consideration in steering. In terms of momentum change vs. mass gain of the wormhole mouth, the use of light for steering is preferable to high-energy particles, even though the momentum carried by light is only its energy divided by the speed of light.

The traveling exit mouth can be steered to make passes through the upper atmospheres of planets or to have grazing collisions with atmosphere of the star itself, until the great initial velocity has been dissipated. In this process, considerable mass passes through the traveling exit mouth and into the laboratory which can be stored for scientific purposes. It will gain mass-energy by back reaction. Thru this method, the travelling wormhole mouth can tour the star system, propelled by high-momentum particle jets incident on the stay-at-home mouth in the laboratory. Such steering will reduce the mass of the wormhole, partially compensating for the mass-gain it received in decelerating, and used for sampling planetary atmospheres.

Once the wormhole mouth has arrived at the destination star system, a survey of the planets can begin. The laboratory can control the diameter of the wormhole mouth, and that it can be enlarged to a diameter that is convenient for sampling. If a habitable planet is found, the wormhole mouth can be brought to its surface, and samples can be extracted through the wormhole and analyzed, sending compensating mass back in the other direction to keep the wormhole mouth masses in balance.

When the survey is complete, the wormhole can be expanded, permitting robot precursors, explorers, colonists, and freight to move through. The mass of the wormhole mouths would have to be managed, moving equal masses in the two directions during wormhole transits.

Although the space-time interval from some event at the distant star to the observation of that event back at the lab, as viewed through the wormhole, represents two-way communication across a space-like separation, there is no causality problem because there is no loop (closed timelike loop). Causality problems arise when independent wormhole connections were established with accelerated wormhole mouths sent from the distant star system back to Earth, or even to another star system that had been similarly contacted by Earth. In that case, transit through one wormhole followed by return through the other would constitute closing a time-like loop. Any conflict created by the time-like loop would result in an exponential rise in vacuum fluctuations (Visser Radiation) that destroys some elements of the incipient loop, that element almost always certainly to be the erring time-traveller.

By monitoring Centauro Events, Interstellar wormhole transport from some technologically advanced civilizations can be detected. Cosmic ray observatories occasionally observe strange super-energetic cosmic ray detection anomalies, called Centauro events. Centauro events are cosmic ray particles with incredibly high energies that, when striking Earth’s upper atmosphere, produce a large shower of particles that contains too many gamma rays and too few mu-leptons, as compared to more normal cosmic ray shower events. The Centauro events lack an explanation for a natural occurring origin. An accelerated wormhole mouth with a large electric charge should have a large gamma-ray to mu-lepton production ratio in such collisions, since it would have large electromagnetic interactions but no strong or weak interactions with the matter with which it collided.

The wormhole mouth functionally travels at 7455 times the speed of light, the rated speed of the LHC at CERN. Travel from Earth to Alpha Centauri in about 5 hours. Araxes to 34 Tau (Firefly ‘Verse) in under 5 days.

Unfortunately, that minimum size wormhole mouth is 10.9 micrograms, about 21,800 times the mass that the Large Hadronic Collider at CERN normally accelerates. This creates increased energy requirement issues. To accelerate an 10.9 microgram mass to .99997 times the speed of light would require the energy equivalent of about 606 grams of antimatter, or about 97 kilograms of fusionable deuterium or about 380 kilograms of reactor grade uranium or 1.2 megatons of Petrol.

While this is suitable for most trip envisioned, it is still uncomfortably long to get to NGC-1300, the galaxy of the Lumus Imperium, about 8853 years to get 66 MILLION lightyears.

There are 3 things we can do to get there faster: Build a larger particle accelerator, create better accelerator magnets or build more powerful lasers to accelerate the wormhole after launch.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN as of 2014 is the largest particle accelerator ever built, 27 kilometers in circumference. The largest planned accelerator was the Eloisatron (Eurasiatic Long Intersecting Storage Accelerator), planned to span parts of Europe and Asia, about 300 kilometers circumference. That would get us an 11 fold boost in top speed. Still, that still puts us at 805 years to get to NGC-1300 instead of 8853 years.

The largest hypothetical collider was one with a total circumference of about 6000 kilometers, this would cover a good portion of the United States. A 220 fold increase in speed over CERN, but still 40 years to NGC-1300.

If we had a sufficiently large supply of monopolium (artificially created composite matter made from positive and negative magnetic monopoles), then we could replace the superconducting magnets at the LHC and have a 500 times increase in the net speed. We would still need a larger collider than the LHC to make monopoles. Manufacturing monopoles would be as pricey to manufacture as antimatter.

If we had a nanogram (a billionth of a gram) of magnetic monopoles, we could use those to manufacture more magnetic monopoles using the colliders we have now by colliding the monopoles instead of protons. This by the way would also be how we could probably have to manufacture the wormholes to begin with AND the magnetic flux needed to hold the mouths open to prevent them from collapsing into a black hole and evaporating in a flash of Hawkings radiation.

There are two ways to get the monopoles. One is to build a larger hadronic collider of about 100 kilometers circumference, this is doable. The other one is to hope that the plasma antenna being planned to mine antiparticles in the Earth’s Magnetosphere catches enough. The upper atmosphere of Jupiter or Saturn is more plausible using the plasma antennae. Building a slightly larger (4x larger) supercollider would probably be easier to get the starter amount of monopoles that sending plasma antennae to Jupiter, might even be cheaper.

Consider a 100 kilometer Super Hadronic Collider (SHC) to manufacture the monopoles. Then use that to manufacture more monopoles and upgrade the entire system.

The boost from the SHC and the monopoles, means we have a net apparent speed of 15 million times the speed of light. That’s Earth to Alpha Centauri in 9 seconds. 34 Tau to Mu Draconis in 3.5 minutes. This is nearly 7.5 times warp 9.9999 for you star trek fans out there. Warp 9.9999 is the speed of subspace radio, 215,432 times the speed of light.

The energy equivalent for this supergate is about 1.2 kilotons of antimatter, or about 194 kilotons of fusionable deuterium or about 757 kilotons of reactor grade uranium. 757 kilotons of reactor grade uranium is about 40 times more than all of the reactor grade uranium ever mined. This is the equivalent of about 8 times the total annual energy consumption of Planet Earth in 2012.

To get to the Lumus Imperium, which is 66 million years ago, it will still take 4.4 years. 4.4 years would be a suitable time period for setup, NASA had longer projects than this in the 20th century.

The Fermitron is one of the largest hypothetical particle collider. It would be build up in geostationary orbit and a total circumference of 263,500 kilometers. This is Milky Way to Lumus Imperium in 16 hours. This is 9 billion times the total annual energy consumption of Planet Earth in 2012. It is about 2% of the total output of the sun or the total solar energy that hits the Earth over the course of a day. I am not sure I would want to be in the same solar system as a reaction using that much energy. Maybe they accelerate it slowly, but still the energy content of that wormhole mouth is going to be 28.5 gigatons. I don’t know how they’re gonna bleed that off in 16 hours.

There is a more reasonable alternative and allows the usage of technology accessible in the early 21st century. Momentum can be added to the travelling wormhole mouth by firing photons thru it. Photons are massless, so they won’t enlarge the wormhole thus slowing it down, but they do have momentum which would be added to the speed of the travelling wormhole mouth. Thus after wormhole mouth is launched, shoot high intensity lasers thru it to speed it up. The highest sustainable laser light in the early 21st century is 100 megawatts.

The early 21st century possesses sufficient technology to launch a stargate if they knew how to make a stable wormhole.

One of the key problems is how to make the wormhole stable long enough is to shoot massive amounts of magnetic fields thru it to hold it open. This is why stargates are made out of Naquadria. Artificial Exotic Matter composed out different pole magnetic monopoles instead of protons and electrons would exhibit the same properties as stated for Naquadria. I prefer to call it Monopolium, but everyone will still call it Naquadria. First and foremost for our purposes is it is a room temperature superconductor and can be used to make an uber capacity magnets to thread the magnetic fields into the nanoscopic wormhole fast enough to hold it open.

The big clincher is the Monopolium/Naquadria. The actual stargate weighs 29 tones, but the outer coating is only nanoscopically coated with naquadria. That Naquadria is actually a carbon bucky fiber woven graphene lattice which holds the actual monopoles in place. That coating only weighs about 2 kilograms. The actual monopole content is about 250 grams. Other than monopoles that were created during the big bang and occasionally found by only the most obscure prospectors, monopoles can only be produced by giant particle colliders that 21st century Earth has not yet built. Once you have some monopolium, you can make more powerful particle colliders. Monopolium superconducting magnets would be 500 times as powerful as the best cold superconductors we have today. Those magnets would be the equivalent of building a particle collider the size that would span Eurasia.

The lowest boot strap method would be to start with a nanogram of monopoles harvested by the planned Magnetosphere Plasma Antenna. Even at 10 Trillion Dollars per gram, the current cost of manufacturing antimatter using particle colliders, that is still only $10,000USD startup. We use those monopoles instead of protons in the particle colliders and make the monopoles needed to bootstrap up the rest of the system.

Taking it one step further down, we do without the monopoles and figure out some other method of producing the intensity of magnetic flux needed to hold open a wormhole mouth. We then add enough charge to the wormhole and stick it in the LHC and launch it at our intended target at a net 7455 times the speed of light. Then we fire a sustained output laser thru it to add momentum. The highest sustained output laser right now is about 100 megawatts. This gives us an initial velocity of 7455LY/yr and an acceleration of 127.5 LY/yr^2

Solving using basic Physics equations of motion. 66,000,000 = 7455*t +.5*127.5*t^2. In 961 years, we can make it to the Lumus Imperum. 961 is better than 8853 years but still not practical or appealing.

Clearly we have to upgrade the lasers, upgrade the magnets used in the collider, make a larger collider, or some combination thereof.

The minimum size of manufacturing monopoles would be 100 kilometers, 4 times the CERN’s LHC. Certainly doable. With the manufactured monopoles, we get a big boost in the power of the collider. 500x from the monopoles, 4x from the size. The same 500x we get from the monopoles for the collider is also 250,000x increase for the lasers. Soooo now:

Initial Velocity is 7455*500*4 = 14,910,000LY/Yr and acceleration is 16,000LY/Yr^2

4.5 years to the Lumus Imperium.

3.5 minutes Araxes to 34Tau.

9 seconds Earth to Alpha Centauri

At this scale, the laser booster does not make a big difference, shaving 4 days off a 4.5 year journey. Until I can figure out a better way to make a sustained laser.

This is the limit of what we could engineer with locally available early 21st century technology.

The Fermitron, the geostationary orbit scale particle collider. Megascale construction that makes the pyramids and the great wall of China feel inadequate, could get us there in 16 minutes.

Who could build that? I would say the Alterans, the Navigators and the Galifreyans. It would still have a ridiculous energy requirement.

It is based on science that has been known since the late 1950s.

Now you have a stargate, you now also own a time machine. Let’s examine the basic one that was 7455 times the speed of light without the laser booster. You travel 4.2 LY to alpha centauri in 5 hours. You are now 4.2years minus 5 hours in the past. When you turn on the television, you will see television shows from just over 4 years ago.

If we use a wormhole to get from 34 Tau to Araxes (100LY), it is really the Araxes from 100 years ago.

If you travel back thru the same wormhole, you will arrive back in the present plus whatever amount of time passed while you were Araxes. HOWEVER, if you take a different wormhole back to Araxes, then you will end up 100 years BEFORE you left for Araxes to begin with. This is where the problems begin.

When you first went back in time to Araxes, the universe did not care. If you went back thru the same wormhole, no worries, the universe still won’t care. If you go back thru some other wormhole or FTL method to before you left, or accessible via the speed of light, that is when the universe starts getting upset, because now it has to rewrite stuff, it hates that retrocausality. If you make trivial changes that don’t build up, then there is minimal Visser Radiation. If the net changes is too much, the Visser Radiation (exponential rise in vacuum fluctuations) will redact the offending entity….you.

Imagine if all you did in the past was move something that weight 1 kilogram 1 meter from where it was previously. The universe will then have to rewrite that in the forward versions. This is 1 joule of work that the universe will have to deal with. 1 joule of Visser Radiation will be required to rewrite the time-capsules. As often as not, these are trivial matters, but if you do something significant, the problems cascade and you get enough visser to redact the offending problem, you. Usually it undoes all the pesky changes created. When it is easier to redact than the edit, it will redact. Time travel requires some skill.

If Timelords have a superpower regarding time, I would guess that it is probably an innate sense of Visser Radiation, exponential rise in vacuum fluctuations. This is how they know what they can get away with doing and what they can’t. This would probably be what makes them seem kooky and strange way beyond merely eccentric. Daring renegades like the Doctor even go as far as to see where they can nudge things here and there, but not get burned. Burned not being a metaphor, the Visser radiation will actually burn them.

Because the Tardis is the housing for a wormhole mouth, they are always returning thru the same wormhole thru which they arrived, so rarely are there closed timeline curves just by their travel. They only have to worry about the actual changes.

This would be why a ginormous galactic spanning imperium like the Concordat Imperium would have some overarching AI manage their wormhole nexus. To make sure that no one abuses the time continuum. They can simply monitor the levels of Visser Radiation and track who goes where.

Reading the Lumus folks, they took their LEAP technology to get themselves to NGC 1300 (Draco Tau, even though it is in the Eridanus Constellation). That’s well and fine. Technically, they are now 66 million years ago. Because they’re not coming back the way they came, they have Visser Radiation issues. I imagine an epic scale fishing expedition where most of their wormhole attempts just evaporate. I bet they have to aim the mouth to where we are because for some reason that is where there would be the least amount of feedback.

Visser Radiation (an actual thing) is the result of when the Universe has to rewrite itself because someone changed the past.

Time travel bonus round. Let’s say we had launched the wormhole mouth towards Araxes and its all fine now. Now let’s take the other mouth (on our end) and put it in a spaceship and fly AWAY from Araxes at a tenth of the speed of light. Now when we go to Araxes, we are not 100 years in the past we are 110 years in the past. This is what a Tardis does. It does not have to go far, it only has to go fast.

Let’s use other distances. 1000 lightyears instead of 100. Now we go back in time 1100 years instead of 1000 for the same 10% of the speed of light.

Let’s say 10 BILLION Lightyears and we ride off at 6m/s on our bicycle, yes bicycle speeds. That will still send us back an additional 200 years.

This is what I theorize is how Tardis’ work, or at least a simple one we could build at home. The Tardis holds one of the wormhole mouths and steers the other one. They simply direct the mouths of the wormhole and accelerate towards or away from their intended target. They have to be careful to pick places where they won’t change enough of the time-capsules that they will be erased for trying. This is the skill and technology of the Timelords. It does mean that they can change the past, but only trivial writing in the margin and between the lines type of things. They can’t go back and get Hitler admitted to Art School thus preventing his ascension to power. This is why there are not a lot of tourists at the birth of Christ, even the most trivial change will result in traveller redacting visser radiation. The Universe will redact you before it will allow you to kill my grandmother.

Even if they were to do so unknowingly, the buildup of Visser Radiation would create an aversion and ultimately erase them from trying. The changes undone, redaction is cheaper than editing.

You can make trivial changes to the past, but nothing substantive.

For example, let’s say you know of a cave which has been sealed for the last 3000 years. If you go into the past and put something in there and then return to the present, the universe won’t have to rewrite much. Tomorrow, you open up the cave and retrieve what you put there. The Visser Radiation would have been minimal. Check old and rare bookshops and keep track of archaeological digs before you leave so you can leave presents for yourself in the future.

If Timelords have an innate sense of this Visser Radiation, they would sense that they could get away with leaving a message for you in that cave. If for some reason this would cause an undue amount of editing, it would probably manifest as an unreasoning aversion to doing something simple like write the note. This is why the timelords seem to arbitrary, capricious and downright weird sometimes. Visser Radiation makes them dance to its tune.

The Navigators tried to replicate The Eye of Harmony about 300,000 years ago, creating the regrettable Geminga Event (a quarknova, real science) which wiped out a lot of the previous starfaring civilizations in the Germina Sphere.

Many of these civilizations were not wiped out directly like an extinction event, although I am sure many planets near the Geminga Event were sterilized. What wiped out their civilizations would have been the means to travel faster than light within the Geminga Sphere (about 300 LY across). Ultimately they grew isolated and regressed. For nearly 300,000 years, the Geminga Sphere was a kind of a wasteland. It was only the easing of those conditions which led civilizations such as the Vulcans and later the Andorans, Tellarites and eventually the humans to develop faster than light travel. It was not a coincidence that they all gained it nearly contemporaneously, it was because conditions which had previously prevented was finally abated. Maybe it was intentional.

Recently experimental evidence disproved the Copenhagen and Many World interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum mechanics still held up to the experimentation. The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Physics uses the forward and backward in time travelling quantum waves to explain how quantum states are chosen. It had previously not been a favourite because it accepted retrocausality as a feature of the universe instead of trying to explain it away.

Expanded theory about how to make Leap workable using hyperspace

The Leap System used by the Lumus Imperium is doable with real physics, but with some limitations. In part two we will discuss how to get around those limitations.

Three physics concepts are required to make it doable:

1 Quantum teleportation, which is bona fide laboratory verified real world physics.

2. Quantum entanglement signalling, a hotly contested physics concept that the 1998 Dopfer experiment showed that it might be possible, testing is still in process.

3. A traversable wormhole, real physics, but beyond our current technology to build.

Quantum teleportation is a quantum mechanically valid solution to the problem of how to make a precise duplicate copy of a quantum state at another location.

According to the rules of quantum mechanics, you cannot just measure a quantum system and use the measurement results to reconstruct the system somewhere else, because

(a) The act of measurement changes the system measured,


(b) The uncertainty principle prevents simultaneous measurement of “conjugate quantities” like position and momentum that would be needed for such reconstruction.

Another quantum rule prevents you from “cloning” multiple copies of a quantum system, so any duplication requires destruction of the original.

Amazingly, we can still work with these limitations.

Quantum teleportation requires the following steps:

(a) Create a pair of “blank” quantum systems that are “entangled”, i.e., separated but linked through some conservation law;

(b) Intermingle the “teleportee” with one of these entangled states and make a number of measurements on the mixed system;

(c) Transmit the measurement results by a normal communication channel to the location of the entangled twin system;

(d) Perform a set of transformations on the entangled twin system based on the received measurement results.

If this procedure is carried out correctly, you should have produced an exact duplicate of the original quantum state in the new location. Note that the mixing and measuring have destroyed the original system.

Using Nature’s private entanglement channel to send most of the information needed to reproduce the original system. The number of measurements needed for such teleportation is the logarithm of the degree of system complexity, which keeps the needed number of measurements fairly small. For example, to teleport a quantum system consisting of 10,000 moles of atoms (approximately one person equivalent) to an identical state somewhere else, you would need to do only about 195 measurements on the mixed system, totally doable.

In order to get around the no-quantum-measurement and no-quantum-cloning requirements, the original is destroyed in the process. How you feel about the nature of the soul is a major consideration. If you subscribe to the quantum mind and quantum soul theory, then no problem. I would not be so quick to volunteer.

The entangled transmitter and receiver must move at slower than or equal to the speed of light and so must the signal, although relative to the teleportee, no time will have passed. There are two ways around this slower than light issue. Using either wormholes or quantum entanglement signalling.

Quantum Entanglement Signalling possibly allows information that is entangled to be able to be transmitted faster than light. Experimental evidence (not proof yet) that this could even be a possibility has only existed since the Dopfer Experiment at Innsbrook (Not Innsmouth) University in 1998.

The problem is that you still have to figure out a way to get the Quantum Teleport Receiver to the intended destination in a convenient amount of time. The solution, traversable wormholes. Refer to previous notes about how to build and launch a stargate wormhole mouth.

The receiver end of the Quantum Teleportation setup can be moved thru the wormhole mouths, solving the slower the light signalling issue. From there to the next point, you would be slower than light or would need more wormholes. The advantage is that once beyond the wormhole, you can teleport thru the wormhole using the quantum teleporter without having any mass-energy requirements.

In 1935 Albert Einstein and his colleague Nathan Rosen discovered that the formalism of general relativity (our current standard model for gravity) has solutions involving “teacup handle” curved space objects that could connect one region of space-time to a completely separate region. They suggested that fundamental particles (electrons, protons, etc.) might actually be such objects, with lines of electric flux threaded through them to give them electric charges. At the time, these objects were called “Einstein-Rosen Bridges”, but they are now called “wormholes”.

In 1962, Wheeler and Fuller showed that such wormholes were much too massive to be fundamental particles, and were so unstable that if one happened to pop out of the vacuum, it would close up before even a single photon could be shot through it. However, in 1988, Kip Thorne and his student Mike Morris showed that wormholes could be stabilized and that, using relativistic time dilation, they could be converted into time machines, “time holes” that connect one time to another in the same place.

The two mouths of Thorne-Morris wormholes are subject to a phenomenon called “back reaction”, a manifestation of conservation laws. If an object of mass m passes through, the entrance mouth must gain its mass-energy (E=mc2) and the exit mouth must lose the same energy. The same is true of other conserved quantities: momentum, angular momentum, and electric charge. The simplest solution to this problem is to send “ballast object” with the same mass, etc., simultaneously through the wormhole in the opposite direction.

The problem with creating a wormhole and passing through it to another location without anything going in the opposite direction. Back reaction would seem to create great problems for this scenario, because, unless the mass-energy at the wormhole entrance was somehow contained, the wormhole mouth would explode like an H-bomb.

The wormhole can be used as a standalone means to teleport, but it is very cumbersome and amazingly energy intensive. It does have the huge advantage that the teleportee is not destroyed in the process.

Combining the quantum entanglement teleporter and you can have a more flexible system.

The energy costs to make shorter range stargate wormholes can also be used as an intermediate step and using the major wormholes to bridge the really long distances. Shorter range wormhole trips (<100LY) can be made on a scale plausible for some starships.

You cannot shoot a wormhole thru a wormhole, but you can put the quantum entanglement receiver thru. Have a major wormhole to go from the Lumus Imperium’s Galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy. Send the quantum entanglement receiver thru, then use whatever other means of FTL travel (warping space, other wormholes, etc) to move it to whatever other systems you like. Then you have a mobile jump gate without all of the muss and fuss and energy requirements of maintaining a wormhole.

This process the Leap Technology uses is to mix entangled transmitter atoms with the atoms of the object to be teleported, does the measurements and then poof, thru to the receiver.

Except for the detail that now you’re dead. Federationalists and Orions accept this every day, so maybe it is no big deal.

The Eluvian Jumpgate system is a relatively short range wormhole creation and launch system similar to the one I wrote about for stargates. At least the principles and mechanisms would be the same. A trip that takes 5 days to go from 34 Tau to Araxes would cost only about 100 kilograms of fusionable deuterium which is a very low energy requirement for a starship. An 850 Lightyear trip from Araxes to Rigel (Orion Homeworld) would take 43 days and cost the same 100 kilograms of fusionable deuterium.

As the speed of launching the wormhole is dependent on using a particle accelerator, there are only two real ways to do it, make the circumference of the particle accelerator larger or made the magnets more powerful. I am assuming that the Eluvians already use ultra-conductor magnets which have 500 times the magnetic flux that is available in the early 21st century, which would reduce the size of the particle accelerator to a 17 meter diameter ring. A 256 meter diameter accelerator with the same magnets would be able to travel 15 times faster, albeit at 225 times the energy cost. That would mean Araxes to Rigel in 3 day, costing 22.5 tons of fusionable deuterium. Still a great bargain. Or 136 kilograms of antimatter if you really insist on using antimatter. The Enterprise carries nearly 4000 times this much fuel. It is just not as efficient a means of transportation.

These costs are doable as an intermediate based system. The problem is how to get the receiver to where you want it. Kind of a cumbersome system. The difficulty in the Leap System in terms of real physics is that you can’t really teleport something until you get the receiver there first. The means to do that within real physics is more cumbersome than they would probably prefer.

Jump Gates, Slipsteam, Jump Drive, Hyperspace, etc, all basically use the same principles. The difference is only in the hardware. Slipsteam, Jump Drive and Hyperspace are both contained within the ship and launch a single use wormhole which the ship travels thru. It saves on the containment of the wormholes themselves, disposed of after use. Jump Gates are fixes wormholes, which either you travel thru whole or you teleport thru using the Quantum Entanglement Teleport methodology. The Quantum Entanglement Teleport methodology has the advantage that you don’t have the balancing masses backdraft issue, but you will have to make serious decisions about the nature of the soul.

There are two theories about how Federationalist zone warp drive works. One is the actual warping of space-time, implied strongly by the name. The other is the idea of some wholly contiguous sub-dimension of space which allows travel faster than in normal space, which is strongly implies by the dialog.

In 1919 German physicist and mathematician Theodor Kaluza noticed that when he solved Einstein's equations for general relativity using five dimensions instead of four, Maxwell's electromagnetic equations popped right out. The extra dimension added the electromagnetic force to the standard theory of gravity. In 1926, Oskar Klein pointed out that if this dimension was “rolled up” connected back on itself on a beyond nanoscopic scale, it would be invisible, yet could provide electromagnetism. This Klein-Kaluza notion of hidden dimensions “rolled up” connected back on itself on a beyond nanoscopic scale has more recently been used by string theorist to describe not only the electromagnetic force, but also the strong and weak forces and attempts to describes all particles, forces, and interactions in the same framework.

One “side effect” of such hidden dimensions is the possibility of shadow matter (sometimes called mirror matter), an additional type of matter that would interact normally with its own matter-type but would “ignore” ordinary matter, interacting with it only through the gravitational interaction. Such extra “hidden” dimensions may allow the existence of parallel universes to which one can “teleport”. Changing normal matter to shadow matter looks like teleportation between parallel universes. Extra dimensions are one physics-based way of accomplishing teleportation.

Subspace and hyperspace would be such parallel dimensions are the key to making the Leap System a workable (real physics wise) system while maintaining the flexibility they desire.

Modern physics has caught up on the subject of slip stream, even to the point that we can calculate the energy costs.

The Large Hadron Collider at Cern is planning an experiment which they think will try to show that there are parallel dimensions. The experiment is relatively simple, they collide particles at super high speeds and then observe the results, calculating the energy content before and after. If the energy content is less after than before the collision, that means that the energy would have shunted into another dimension.

That lost energy goes to the ‘nearest convenient parallel dimension’; scientists refer to this as hyperspace or the ‘bulk’.

It is expected that at the lowest level of this would result in boosting gravity effects. Larger amounts would penetrate the ‘brane’ and be able to affect things in these parallel dimensions.

The flux capacitor efficiently forces energy to penetrate the ‘brane’ so that it is able to affect things in these parallel dimensions known as hyperspace. Thus reducing the amount of power required to be that of some reactor grade plutonium or a Mr. Fusion reactor instead of a 9 kilometre diameter particle collider. A nice 1.2 gigawatt burst of energy. That is the energy equivalent of 360 liters of gasoline, but Marty and Professor Smith needed it in one big burst.

Some modern variants of string theory describe our universe as a 3+1-dimensional space-time “brane,” essentially a thin 4-dimensional membrane embedded in a higher-dimensional space. Almost all of the known particles (electrons, quarks, photons) are restricted to this 4-brane and can move only within it. The three strongest forces (strong, weak, and electromagnetic) are allowed to act only within the brane. For most purposes the 3+1 dimensional brane is the only relevant universe, since almost nothing can go outside it.

According to some models, the force of gravity gets special treatment in extra dimensions. Gravity is free to leave the brane and spread out into the large extra dimensions in which the brane is embedded. This provides an explanation of why the force of gravity is so weak compared to the other forces: the lines of force for gravity can spread out into the other dimensions, leaving fewer force lines and reduced force strength on the brane itself.

Building on this basic scenario, theoretical physicists H. Päs and S. Pakvasa of the University of Hawaii, and T. J. Weiler of Vanderbilt University (PPW for shorthand) constructed a scheme for using the brane for superluminal communication. The starting point of their scheme is to examine the relativistic “enforcement rules” that normally prevent superluminal communication. These rules are the Lorentz transformations, devised by Albert Einstein to describe how space and time behave when the observer or the object observed is moving near the speed of light. Within these rules, there is no possibility of superluminal communication.

PPW demonstrate that it is relatively easy to describe an extended universe in which the Lorentz transformations are strictly observed on the ‘brane‘, but not in the outside “bulk” occupied by the extra dimensions. The ‘bulk’ is also known as ‘hyperspace’. In particular, within the hyperspace’ volume of the extra dimensions the limiting speed (i.e., the speed of light) is different from its value on the brane. The space-time metric in the off-brane limiting speed is superluminal and grows quadratically with distance from the brane. This “asymmetrically warped brane universe” is rather like an onion, with each “onion layer” in the bulk having its own limiting speed and its own Lorentz transformations. In such a universe, trajectories that cut across such onion layers are not “Lorentz invariant,” i.e., they can break the local speed limits. This was the earliest description of how Federationalist Warp Speed worked, each ‘onion layer’ was a distinct layer of subspace.

Having found a space-time metric to describe a plausible ‘brane‘ universe, PPW consider a path that leaves the ‘brane‘, travels some distance in the extra-dimensional hyperspace outside, and then re-enters the ‘brane‘. They show that such a path, while it may facilitate moving from one point in space to another at the equivalent of a faster-than-light speed, would not in itself represent backwards-in-time signalling (referred to as a “closed timelike curve”).

General relativists (not a military rank) have devised several ways of evaluating the merit of calculations of this kind. Such evaluations are based on how well a calculation satisfies various energy conditions that have been suggested as possible “rules of the game” for what our universe will allow. The PPW scheme for producing a timelike loop does well with these energy conditions, satisfying the null, weak, and dominant energy conditions on the brane and violating only the strong energy condition. Note that the strong energy condition is violated by some well-known quantum processes.

The key points to remember are:

 1. We can penetrate the bulk directly by a certain concentration of energy.

 2. The flux capacitor allows us to do this more efficiently than using giant particle accelerators.

 3. We know that the speed of light becomes variable quadratically with the distance from brane.

Let’s examine number 3. Let’s take our 10.9 microgram stargate wormhole-mouth and shunt that using the flux capacitor. Instead of relativisitically equivalent speeds of 7500 times the speed of light, it is now 7500 times 7500 = 56,250,000 times the speed of light for the same energy costs. What we are doing in this case is shunting the wormhole mouth thru hyperspace.

It supposedly takes the Lumus Leap Gates three days to make the jump from NGC-1300 to the Milky Way Galaxy. That would require a relativistically equivalent speed of 8 BILLION times the speed of light. That would be the energy cost of a relativistically equivalent speed of nearly 90,000 times the speed of light. That is 87 kilograms of antimatter or nearly 14 tons of fusionable deuterium. Doable.

Now we’ve moved our 10.9 microgram stargate wormhole-mouth to where we need it. There are two options here. One is to make it large enough to move thru or make it so we can move thru such a tiny opening.

It takes the energy equivalent of about 3 milligrams of antimatter to hold open the mouth of a 21.8 microgram wormhole. This is about the consumption of half a kilogram of deuterium per second.

A stargate sized (5 meter diameter) event horizon requires 12 million times more energy consumption than the 10.9 microgram wormhole. That is 35 kilograms of antimatter per second or 5.65 tons of fusionable deuterium per second. The USS Enterprise could withstand that for about 3.75 hours.

A heighliner scale (256 meter diameter) wormhole requires 43 million times more energy consumption than the 10.9 microgram wormhole. That is 127 kilograms of antimatter per second or 12.25 tons of fusionable deuterium per second. The USS Enterprise could withstand that for about 1 hour.

The energy cost to launch the microwormhole to the Milky way within 3 days is the same energy cost per second to maintain a 175 meter diameter event horizon. 87 kilograms of antimatter or nearly 14 tons of fusionable deuterium. Doable, but a lot of energy.

Quantum Teleportation using entangled particles is the lowest energy solution. The micro-wormhole mouth stays the modest 10.9 micrograms and we just put the entanglement receiver thru then teleport thru. You consume 3 milligrams of antimatter or half a kilogram of fusionable deuterium per second, but that’s it.

The big limitation to quantum teleportation is that in order to get around the no-measurement and the no-cloning restrictions of quantum mechanics, you destroy the original. Depending on how you feel about the soul, this may or may not be a big deal to you.

Federationalists are inconsistent about how they speak about their teleporter technology, they use a lot of quantum teleportation terminology but insist that they are transporting your actual atoms. The energy cost to transmit the actual atoms is more in line with the energy costs they give for transporting an individual. Federationalist teleporters use about 100 kilograms of fusionable deuterium to teleport a 100 kilogram individual, or about 625 grams of antimatter. It is an energy intensive process. These energy costs are consistent with the short range slower than light teleportation of actual particles instead of the quantum states.



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