The visual effects of Faster-Than-Light (Superluminal) Travel
The visual effects of Faster-Than-Light (Superluminal) Travel are difficult
to explain intuitively. Most people just ignore it.
I set up an animated gif to demonstrate how it might
For those of you that might care about obscure Federation
Lore and errata, this is the basis of the Picard Maneuver. You will be able to
see how it would actually work.
This was based on a throw-away line Neil deGrasse Tyson said
once at a conference about what would FTL look to an outside observer. It stuck
with me for years. I am still looking for the original reference.
In this example, a spaceship takes off from the surface
of the green planet and lands on a red planet which is slightly less than 1 AU
(Astronomical Unit) away. 1 Astronomical Unit is 499 light seconds. In this
example, it is 8 light minutes away. The white lines on the diagram are each 1
light minute.
At the beginning, the red observer and the blue astronaut
look at the red planet. What they are seeing is what the red planet looked like
8 minutes ago.
The spaceship is travelling at a modest (modest for
sci-fi) speed of 8 times the speed of light. It actually arrives at the red
planet in 1 minute.
The red observer on the ground watches the blue astronaut
take off in the FTL ship.
15 seconds after the blue person took off in the FTL
ship, they are already 2 light minutes away from the green planet. It will take
2 minutes and 15 seconds AFTER the blue astronaut took off the the red person
will see where they were 15 seconds after they took off.
1 minutes after take off, the blue astronaut's ship
arrives on the red planet. It will not be until 9 minutes after take off will
the red person see this.
Immediately the blue astronaut takes off and heads back
to the green planet.
At the 2 minute mark, the Blue Astronaut is back on the
green planet and watches their own ship.
By the time the blue astronaut is return, the Blue
Astronaut and the Red Observer see that the Blue Astronaut's ship only appears
to be 1.85 light minutes away.
The Blue Astronaut and the Red Observer also watch the
FTL ship fly back from the green planet to the red planet and arrive at about
the same time as they originally took off.
The red observer sees the return of the Blue Astronaut
and their ship, but only see it arrive in reverse AFTER the blue astronaut
arrived back on the green planet.
From the 2 minute mark onwards until the 9 minute mark,
there will appear to be 3 space ships, then abruptly at the 9 minute mark,
there will only be the final spaceship on the green planet.
The net result is that the blue astronaut travelled back
in time 7 minutes.
If supeluminal travel were common, there would be no
causal relationship between what is seen and what is actually occurring.
Superluminal travel which do not pass thru normal space
do not have this acausality. The Superluminal Travel is still time travel but
do not cause the visual paradox. They are still subject to Visser effects from
retrocausality. retranscription.
In the relatively dense gravity well of a solar system,
the energy density of the visser effects would destroy the attempted time
traveller. In the ultra-vacuum and flatapace of the interstellar medium, the
Visser effects would be minimal.
There are methods of superluminal travel that do not have
such Visser effects, like fixed location stargates and fixed location
traversible wormholes because the Visser effects were taken care of during the
process of their construction.
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