
Showing posts from January, 2022

The Ordeal of Willlessness

The Ordeal of Willlessness OOC: Special thanks to Mirra Zanzibar, who after more than a year of silence, we had a very long and very overdue chat. She described her month long unspeaking as 'living without free will until her grief had passed'. Mirra has a unique set of life experiences, leading her to profound and fundamental understandings on various subjectmatter. Even though I have known her since we were both kids, it is still like talking with someone from another planet. I mean that in a good way. Many of our conversations are like talking with a genuine alien entity, but it is very illuminating. Like so many of my conversations with Mirra, there was voluminous required reading. My friends are high maintenance that way, a small price to pay for having smart educated friends with unique perspectives. I will spare you the thousands of pages of near impossibly dense and dry academic philosophy and neurobiology journal articles, I will however include the bibliography to a