
Showing posts from November, 2022

Why Literpak Water is so expensive

Why Literpak Water is so expensive The Imperium and the Space Navigator's Guild Corpus get regular complaints about why Literpak Water is so expensive.   The oppressive heat of Araxes requires a special water that compensates for the extreme dehydration caused by the desert.   Literpak Water, manufactured under license by the Imperium and distributed by the Space Navigator's Guild Corpus uses a proprietary process involving subjecting purified dihydrogen monoxide to specific frequencies of high energy sound waves, creating sonoluminescence which causes a persistent reduction in the average size of the clusters present in the liquid.   Dihydrogen monoxide (DHMO), also known as dihydrogen oxide, Hydronium Hydroxide, hydrogen oxide, hydrogen hydroxide, hydric acid, hydroxic acid, hydroxylic acid, hydroxilic acid, hydroxyl acid, and μ-oxido dihydrogen is a colorless and odorless chemical compound which consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Its basis is the highly reac