Astrogeography of the Geminga Sphere and Tannhauser Domain

For most of us Geminga is just part of our address. the Geminga Sphere, Schedar March and Achernar Duchy of Concordat Imperium Galactic Sector 2814, Mutter’s Spiral, Mutter-Andromeda-Triangulum Group, Virgo Sub-Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster, Minkowski Continuum.

Concordat Sector 2814, also known as the Tannhauser Domain and OA Sector 2814 is about 1500 light-years square. The 300 light-year section near the middle is what is known as the Geminga Sphere.

Geminga is often thought to somehow a contraction for "Gemini Gamma-Ray Source", it is also known as "Gh'è Minga" which means "It is not there."

According to Concordat sources, about 342,000 years ago, an attempt by the Spatium Tempus Navigatium Corpus to replicate the Galifreyan Eye of Harmony went horribly wrong, resulting in an extinction level event, supernova, quarknova and Gamma-Ray Pulse Beacon, which made most forms of Faster Than Light Travel in the Geminga Sphere impossible or too hazardous. This only began to subside a little less than 600 years ago, 1947 for those of you still using that Gregorian calendar.

Supposedly the Geminga Event ended the Navigator experiments of trying to replicate the Eye of Harmony. According to Concordat sources, the Navigators suspect the Hasturians of continued experiments into the replication of the Eye of Harmony experiments.

There was some mention that perhaps the Galifreyans or the Hasturians sabotaged the Navigator experiment causing it to go horribly wrong.

The Navigators have a sort of rivalry (perhaps based out of envy) with the Galifreyans. The Navigators are thought to have a sort of 'war' going on with the Hasturians that supposedly predates the Concordat. There is not much in the way of evidence, mostly divination, conjecture, and speculation.

According to the Concordat Imperium, there have been as many as 15 suspected Eye of Harmony Experiments within 26,000 light-years of the Geminga Sphere within the last 50,000 years. There could be more, information freedom is not common.

Vela 1, Vela 2 and the Veil cluster were close enough to the Geminga Sphere to have affected local events here in the Geminga Sphere.

14,000 years ago, Vela 1 Event, 800 light-years away in the Constellation of Cygnus. 7,500 years ago, Veil Cluster Events 1,400 light-years away in the Constellation of Veil. 2,000 years ago, Vela 2 Event, 700 light-years away in the Constellation of Cygnus

Due to the severity of the events, evidence, records and witnesses are nearly non-existent.

Over here is the actual Geminga Pulsar. The 20 light-year diameter around the Geminga Pulsar is still a no-FTL zone.

342,000 years ago, the shockwave from the Geminga Supernova pushed away massive amounts of interstellar dust, clearing out a volume of space roughly 300 light-years in diameter known as the Geminga Sphere. In astronomy parlance, it is known as the Local Bubble.

The blue and gold cone that leads from the Geminga Pulsar is the Gamma Ray Pulse shockwave from one of its magnetic poles.

The Geminga sphere is not perfectly spherical, it is narrower in the galactic plane, becoming somewhat egg-shaped or elliptical, and widen above and below the galactic plane, becoming shaped like an hourglass. The Geminga Sphere is also dented in a few locations where neighboring bubbles of space have impinged.

Geminga is one of the minority of stars that are oblique to the galactic orbital plane.

Over here is Mu Draconis. Mu Draconis is about 100 lightyears years from the center of the Geminga Sphere Local Bubble.

The binary Red Giant star system Praecipula aka 46 Leonis Minoris is pretty close to the actual center of the Geminga Sphere, but estimates vary.

Betazed is the inhabited star system closest to the center of the Geminga Sphere, less than 30 light-years away.

Coridan (Chi Orionis), with one of the largest deposits of dilithium, is closest to the Gamma-Ray Pulse crossfire epicentre of the Geminga and moving Pleiades B1 Subgroup.

The majority of the Federation, the entirety of the Cardassian Union, Ferengi Hegemony, Kzinti Patriarchy, Romulan Star Empire and a large portion of the Klingon Empire reside within the Geminga Sphere, plus many independent polities.

The Geminga Supernova was only the prelude to the actual Geminga Event. The actual Geminga Event is theorized to be the subsequent quarknova of the Geminga Neutron Star.

A quark-nova is the violent explosion resulting from the conversion of a neutron star to a quark star. When a neutron star spins down, it may convert to a quark star through a process known as quark deconfinement.

Rapidly spinning neutron stars with masses between 1.5 and 1.8 solar masses are the best candidates for conversion due to spin down of the star within Hubble time.

The process releases immense amounts of energy, perhaps the most energetic explosions in the universe; calculations have estimated that as much as 10^47 Joules (which is a lot) could be released from the phase transition inside a neutron star. The resultant quark-star has quark matter in its interior. Quark-novae cause massive gamma ray bursts which produce heavy elements such as platinum through r-process nucleosynthesis.

There are hundreds of thousands of supernova remnants in the galaxy, but only a couple dozen known quarknova remnants. One of the few other known quarknova remnants in Mutter’s Spiral, Corona RX J185635-3754, is one of the Magnificent Seven Supernova Remnants, less than a thousand light-years away, which supernovaed less than a million years ago.

A process associated with the Gamma Ray Beacon of the Quark-nova caused a process similar to the Omega Particle Effect, which disrupted subspace and certain other superluminal processes. The subspace disruption zone made Subspace, Hyperspace, Slipspace, Jumpspace and most other forms of Faster Than Light Travel in the Geminga Sphere impossible or too hazardous for eons, specifically 342,000 years.

The Gamma Ray Beacon of the Quark-nova of Geminga caused the Geminga Sphere a slower than light zone for most of the intervening 342,000 years. The Subspace Disruption Effect began to abate less than 600 years ago.

The Subspace Disruption Effect explains why some cultures which had superluminal travel much earlier did not overrun the Geminga Sphere.

For example, even though the Orions and some others had thousands of years head start, once they crossed the subspace disruption zone of the Geminga Sphere, they were stuck with slower than light travel.

Notice Rigel in the Orion Bubble is outside of the disruption zone.

To the ancestors of the Araxi, the Subspace Disruption Effect was a benefit. The Araxi still had access via the Imperium Wormhole Nexus, but did not have to worry about being harassed by every self-styled conqueror with faster than light travel.

It is theorized, but unproven that the Geminga Event was one of the many possible catalysts that helped start the process that created the Spice in Mu Draconis.

Planets within 25 light-years from the Geminga Event were completely sterilized, others further out would still have experienced a major extinction event and ones directly in the line of fire of the polar gamma-ray pulse beacon were wiped out to several hundred light-years distance.

Looking at ancient history within the Geminga Sphere, many advanced spacefaring cultures regressed or died out shortly after the Geminga Event. Perhaps being limited to sublight speeds caused them to regress.

Planets within the Geminga Sphere with access to nodes of the Imperium Wormhole Nexus or the Alteran Stargate Network were still accessible, but otherwise were cut off. The net result was that for about 342,000 years, the Alteran Stargate Network and the Concordat Imperium’s Wormhole Nexus was the only viable means of superluminal travel within the Geminga Sphere.

The later predation era of the Goa’uld caused many of the Alteran Stargates to be buried.

Within 100,000 years, the Eko, Talosians, Iconians, Sargonians and the Tkon empires no longer dominated the Geminga Sphere, they were either wiped out or regressed to being obsolete.

Ancient civilizations at Formalhaut, Arcturus, Aldebaran, Algol (Beta Persei), Ashlesha and Carcosa in the Hyades Cluster were also severely affected, but retained a civilization that adjusted to subluminal travel in the interim period, but experienced a severe decline. The once prosperous Carcosa Civilization in the Hyades was thought to have regressed during this time. Ultimately these once prosperous civilizations grew isolated and regressed.

Several races combined to destroy the "Demons of Air and Darkness" by destroying the Iconian homeworld with orbital bombardment. They destroyed all of the stargates that could be found.

The Geminga Event is probably what caused the ancient pre-colonial era inhabitants of Araxes, the Laurenthians, to withdraw their culture and go into long hibernation deep underground. I do not know the exact timing of this. The survivors were because of deep underground hibernation for many thousands of years.

For over 300,000 years, the Geminga Sphere was treated like a kind of a wasteland. Watch it buddy, we called that wasteland home.

It was only the easing of those conditions about 600 years ago which led civilizations such as the Vulcans and later the Andorans, Tellarites and eventually even the Tellurians (Earth Humani) to develop faster than light travel. It was not a coincidence that they all gained it nearly contemporaneously, it was because conditions which had previously prevented was finally abated.

While Geminga itself is nearly 800LY away, the Geminga Sphere we inhabit is only 300 LY in diameter.

Prior to the Geminga event, there was another supernova shockwave, 780,000 years ago from the moving Pleiades B1 Subgroup about 440LY away.

The cone of effect from the polar Gamma Ray Pulse Beacon from the moving Pleiades B1 Subgroup supernova overlaps that of the Geminga Supernova and Quarknova. The moving Pleiades B1 Subgroup supernova is another rare supernova who was also oblique to the Galactic Orbital plane. Possibly a coincidence, but many think not. There are more coincidences.

Quarknova's are very rare. Maybe a couple dozen known in the Galaxy. Compared to hundreds of thousands of neutron stars.

One of the Magnificent Seven supernova relics is also a quark-star. Two of the dozen known quarkstar supernova relics in Mutter’s Spiral is within 1000 lightyears of the Geminga Sphere.

The Innermost Federationalist Sphere of Influence exists inside an area of relatively higher density interstellar dust particles called the Local Interstellar Cloud or "The Local Fluff".

The Local Fluff protected it and the other planets within a 30 light-year diameter volume from the worst effects. It is probably not a coincidence that there are a dozen inhabited systems within that protected volume.

There are a few other localized interstellar dust cloud in the Geminga Sphere which would have provided some additional protection and prevented the ozone layer or atmosphere from being washed.

The Local Fluff would make the difference between being a garden-planet or becoming an Arean-type planets like Araxes or Vulcan. Vulcan is just outside of The Local Fluff and is a classic Arean type planet.

The Mu Dracons Sector was not in one of the volumes of space protected by a denser local interstellar dust cloud. It is about halfway between the center and the edge of the shockwave effect.

Being inside one of the dust clouds did not completely insulate the inhabitants from the effects. Inhabited planets within The Local Fluff had between 20 and 50% of their ozone layer depleted as the Geminga shockwave passed thru their system.

As the Pleiades B1 Subgroup shockwaves passed, planets with a geomagnetic field within The Local Fluff experienced their magnetic fields temporarily reduce dramatically or reverse.

Less stable stars within The Local Fluff experienced dramatic increase in solar flares during the shockwaves.

Outside of The Local Fluff, 100% ozone layer depletion, geomagnetic fields severely disrupted and some stars even experienced permanently increased solar flare activity. Results varied.

These two events to a greater or lesser degree are the two shared events of every star system within the Geminga Sphere.

Within the Geminga Event Subspace Destruction Zone, the most basic superluminal travel methods such as the elementary warp drive, also known as the Alcubierre Metric Warp Drive, Continuum Distortion Drive or the Fluctuation Super-Impeller, either could not function or resulted in such extreme spatial, temporal, graviometric, subspace, hyperspace, slipspace, or dimensional interphasic distortions that they were unusable.

This is also similar to what happens when omega molecules with faulty containment create a subspace destruction zone. It is theorized that possibly Omega molecules were possibly responsible for the Geminga Quarknova Event, but due to the severity of the event, evidence, records and witnesses of the actual Geminga Quarknova Event are nearly non-existent.

Omega molecules can destroy local subspace and cause disruption to superluminal travel, but neither phenomenon is very well studied for obvious reasons.

More advanced methods such as jump drive, slipdrive, hyperspace drive, etc experienced severe distortions.

The results are similar to trying to employ superluminal travel within a gravity well, as many reckless pilots are still wont to do.

The Mu Draconis Sector and to a lesser extent the Mu Draconis Sphere of Influence still exhibits some of the susceptibility of these anomalous distortions. Reckless behaviour by pilots and a long history of unregulated space-time metric experimentation has created a continuation of the effect.

The superluminal travel still functions, but other than certain established routes, there are substantially higher than average incidence of spatial, temporal and subspace anomalies.

According to the Spatium Tempus Navigatium Corpus, the STC and other spacefarers, there are over 60 different kinds of spatial, temporal and subspace anomalies within the Mu Draconis Sphere of Influence.

Within the Geminga Sphere, there are small nebular areas which had been specially energized which are also susceptible to the distortion anomalies.

Astral eddy, Chaotic space, Cosmic String, Dark Matter asteroid, Dark Matter Inversion, Dark Matter Proto-Comet, Distortion Ring (aka Spatial Distortion Wave or Spatial Implosion Ring), Gaseous Anomaly, Gravimetric Distortion, Graviton Ellipse, Hole in Space, Inversion Field, Kerr loop, Microscopic Singularity (aka Microsingularity), Moebius, Molecular Reversion Field, Negative Density False Vacuum, Neutrino Cloud, Particle Fountain, Plasma Drift, Plasma Field, Plasma Streamer, Quantum Filament, Quantum Fissure, Spatial Disruption, Spatial Flexure, Spatial Implosion, Spatial Interphase, Spatial Rift (aka Spatial Rupture), Superstring, Tyken's Rift, Type-4 Quantum Singularity, Void, Subspace Compression Anomaly, Subspace Corridor, Subspace Distortion, Subspace Divergence Field (aka Spatial Scission), Subspace Filament, Subspace Fracture (aka Temporal Fracture), Subspace Implosion, Subspace Instability, Subspace Inversion, Subspace Rift, Subspace Sandbar, Subspace Shockwave, Subspace Sinkhole, Subspace Tear, Subspace Vacuole (aka Spectral Rupture), Subspace Vortex (aka Spatial Vortex or Energy Portal), Anti-time eruption, Energy Vortex, Nexus, Temporal Causality Loop (aka Temporal Loop), Temporal Displacement, Temporal Distortion, Temporal Explosion, Temporal Flux, Temporal Fracture (aka Subspace Fracture), Temporal Fragment, Temporal Inversion, Temporal Rift.

The Geminga Gamma Ray Quark Pulsar Supernova Remnant is the second closest pulsar to the Mu Draconis Sector and one of the key navigational beacons used in the Geminga Sphere and Imperial Sector 2814, one of 50 navigational neutron star pulsars closest to Sector 2814.

Pulsar signals are very easy to pick up and they are easy to identify. It is easier to identify a given pulsar than a given star. Recognizing any three allows you or your navigational computer to figure out your position.

Pulsars are vital for interstellar navigation at relativistic speeds. Because they are very precise in the time of their pulsars, you can judge your relative speed relative to them from the change of the perceived time. If you think you have experience temporal displacement, you can even estimated the date.

Think of it like judging Doppler Effects. When moving towards one pulsar and away from another at relativistic speeds, you notice one speeding up and another slowing down. Calculating the changes, you (your computer) can figure out your velocity vector quite accurately.

Because of the known spindown rate, analyzing the frequency and you can know the date and time depending on the pulsars measured.

There are about 50 pulsars within 1700 light-years whose signals can be easily be detected by amateur home radio astronomy equipment which can be purchased for a couple of Solari. To my knowledge, starships usually spend slightly more.

The war is theorized with the Navigators is theorized, the Navigators don't make announcements about such things. The Concordat theorizes that the Navigators and the Hasturians have been at war since before the Galactic Imperium.

Being within 1000 light-years of two quark stars is an amazing coincidence, their shockwave overlapping even more so, the next ones being over 20,000 lightyears away.

At least three supernova within 1000 lightyears within the last million years who rotated obliquely to the Galactic Orbital plane whose gamma ray pulse points towards us.

The Navigators hardly ever explain anything. They are not very open. Occasionally their drones come around and say things, but I don't feel informed as a result.

The Hasturians they are supposedly at war with, what do we know about them? We know the Hasturians a long time ago had a major cultural center centered on the Hyades. Also Aldebaran.

The area between Bellatrix and Betelgeuse, there has been some conflicts there between the Migo and the followers of Hastur.

Tannhauser Gate, shown here is the oldest node of the Imperium's Wormhole Nexus in Imperial Sector 2814

Shedar, the wormhole node for the Shedar Marches is over here past the Tholian Assembly. The Shedar Marches are part of the Achernar Duchy. Mu Draconis is at the outer edge of the Schedar Marche.

The gamma burst hits the Hyades. Twice. The Hyades was both times in the direct line of fire. A Hasturian center. They Hyades was the home of the Carcosans.

The Carcosans...the drone spoke of Carcosa and the King in Yellow. There is poetry about the King in Yellow. Extinction or extreme recession and decline.

The Hasturians are dispersed. Betelgeuse also has Hasturian ties, as does Darkover. Aldebaran became a cultural center for Hastur. The Byakhee and Mi-Gou fought a war in Aldebaran I believe. The Byakhee are known devotees of Hastur.

Darkover insists that Hastur is the Son of Light and benevolent...given rise to a blood line. Skritt from Betelgeuse speaks of Hastur as the benevolent God of Shepherds.

We have only memes, mythology, artifacts and conjecture to work with.There was even the ruins of a Hasturian temple found in one of the deserts of Araxes Borealis some 5 years ago I think it was. Supposedly discovered in the northern hemisphere. There were two ruins, maybe there is a connection. One uncovered by the United Systems Directorate and the other by the Bihar Sanctuary. One was a gate

Could these Navigators have caused the gamma bursts that targeted Hyades? They might possess the capability and the patience.

There are many bubbles caused by supernovae. Geminga is adjacent to the Polaris, Cygnus and Scorpius Centaurus Bubbles. Which are older and slightly larger. The Rigel Bubble was also caused by a supernova some tens of millions of years ago.

What is unique about the Geminga Sphere is it is in the gamma ray pulse of a quarknova. Which are exceptionally rare.

The forced no-ftl zone allowed the volume of space to develop with minimal interference, and the destructions of Carcosa was just a casualty or the intent of ...the action. And the development of these other species a byproduct. Or just an astronomically rare accident...twice in close spatial and temporal proximity.

Many different things area attributed to Geminga. The telepathy of the Betazed, the dilithium on Coridan, the spice of Araxes, naquadah, energon, the many peculiar energized nebula.

One of the other ongoing lores is that the Navigators have a long standing rivalry with the Galifrey and have been trying to replicate their Eye of Harmony. The Eye of Harmony is one of the Navigators few admissions of inability.

Geminga is admitted as an experiment, and a failed one at that. A spectacular failure. Whether it was deliberately aimed or indifferently, I cannot tell.

Two stars within 400,000 years of each other and 400 light years apart, off their axis have their polar gamma ray pulse intersect the same volume of space, and one of them is a quarknova. Astronomically rare. The odds are astronomical even by the standards of astronomical phenomena.

That does not necessarily mean intentional, although the Navigators do claim to have experimented with Geminga.

The Magnificent Seven is also considered an astronomical coincidence. Seven supernova within proximity within a relatively short span of time. All between 500 and 1000 lightyears of us and a few hundred lightyears of each other, they went supernova within half a million years of each other.

No less coincidental than the two Vela supernova. Within 100 lightyears of each other, and less than 12000 years apart, 700 lightyears from us. Solar flares, ozone, magnetic field disturbances. Their gamma ray pulse did not intersect us. One of the Magnificent Seven was also a quark star. The shockwaves still reached here, just not as extreme as the Gemina or Pleiades B1.

Just experiments. The Veil and Vela supernova are attributed, whether proven or not, to Hasturians continuing to experiment with replicating the Eye of Harmony.

Towards Monoceros is where the navigator drone said the next attempt will be in a few thousand years.

Theories and conjecture only. Trying to reproduce the Time Lord "Eye of Harmony" has been a kind of competition. Think of it like an arms race.

The Tannhauser Domain of Space is quite rare in many respects. In recent history, 1 million years, it has among the highest concentrations of supernova. Of the 2 dozen known quarknova, 2 of them are in the Tannhauser Domain.

Those of us who study the Eternal War, suspect that is not a coincidence, but the effects of the Eternal War. There is an immense war being waged for perhaps billions of years, so vast in size and timescale as to be nearly invisible.

There are warfare aspects, but also the industrial aspects. There are some theories that some of these phenomena are related to manufacturing. For example, Dilithium. produced in stellar reactions, like the actinides and lanthanides?

Dilithium for example is created in the crusts of certain terrestrial planets with supernova shockwave crossfire.

Naquada is also created by extremely rare cosmic nucleogenesis conditions. Astronomically rare by even astronomical standards.

Of the supernova was prematurely induced for industrial purpose, the spotted owls might ponder why they were targeted, but they were not. They were not even a thought.

We are not the loggers, but fellow spotted owls.

We may be the only endangered species with the tools to prevent its extinction

With basic neutrino observatories, we would have 10,000 years notice of an impending supernova. How to do so stealthfuly is a mystery.

The space in and around Mu Draconis Sphere of Influence is littered with the remains of ancient experiments. It was someone's sandbox. These civilizations had technologies superior to the present day federation of planets, but they were insufficient to withstand the onslaught of the Geminga Forge.

Whenever you spend latinum, use dilithium, naquadria, the spice, or any number of other exotic substances, remember that entire civilizations and the lives of possibly trillions of people were sacrificed for its production. They were not destroyed because of some slight, inadequacy or because they were feared or hated. They were destroyed because they were thought to be insignificant compared to the tasks they employed.

Gravity does not care that it hurts when we fall. The sun does not care whether we are warm or cold. The cosmos does not care about our wants, needs, morals or ideals, and neither do the Sothoth.

It could also be for the creation of large scale of certain kinds of spatio-temporal, subspace, hyperspace, slipspace, graviometric or other kind of distortion phenomenon.

The Monoceros Prophecy. Some thousands of years from now, less than a couple of thousand lightyears from here, somewhere in the constellation of Monoceros, a geminga type disaster is prophesized.

Luckily, we are outside of the expected range of effect, but it does mean that the machinations of the Eternal War is still close. The Monoceros is prophesized to be a series of near cotemperous supernova. The NGC 2323 Cluster is 3000 lightyears from here, but not for another 5000 years or so.It means that there is an opportunity to find out about how these operate before the disasters.

As you might expect, there is very little evidence that can be obtained after the fact.

The Monoceros Prophecy is why the concern about Cellarions has increased. Supposedly some AI distributed intelligence is a key player. The name of two known ancient Distributed Intelligences were included in the prophecy. Aedeflex and Veriflex, Computronium-based

There was an Aedeflex artifact retrieved from a wreckage on Caliban, a moon of Miranda you may have heard of. The Aedeflex Multiplexer was used for the creation of the Black Pox Plague that infected a part of the population of Araxes. The other known record of the Aedeflex is that same multiplexer was thought to have been involved in the extinction of the ancient precursor species known as the Cetrans.

I am not a panicky Butlerian, but I recognize the dangers of certain Cellarions. My personal experience is that volitional cellarions eventually succumb to rampancy and are a danger.

We depend upon our integrity, our intelligence, mindfulness, diligence and vigilance. We shall not be spotted owls."

We must accept the complexity and vastness of the problem. It is not something one can simply insult and shoot in the face. Mindfulness is required to survive this. Serenity is required to bear the strain. The stooges and minions try to rattle your resolve by their inane mannerism. Try to gull you into the short term linear responses.

Containment is a necessary and short term solution.


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