Excavation Mission Part 5, Deposition

Deposition of Nikomedes Rulstavi

OOC: Trish has not read the previous episodes, and was not briefed about Nikomedes, nor does she know about the crime being investigated. She only saw where he worked and his grimy hovel that is his personal residence.

Nadhi, "How did you all arrive so rapidy?"

Trish, "We just arrived aboard the Trans-U, along with your backup, the Mutual of Omicron’s Wild Galaxy Reclamation Apprehension Coalition."

Schnookums, "Everyone travels with their own legal counsel aboard, no?"

Trish, "Counselor, you’ve changed your look."

Schnookums, "I had some work done, I like it. New shoes too, I can wear loafers now."

"How did you get picked for this job?"

"Not many lawyers operating in the Tsovereign Commonwealth. I’m in the book."

Trish, "What book?"

Schnookums, "I don’t know, it’s an expression. Dr. Celestalis has a fondness for 20th and 21st century Telestial lingo."

Trish, "Does that also explain the suit?"

Schnookums, "Yes, and the hat. Dr. Celestalis says it makes me look dapper."

Schnookums, "A matter of jurisprudence, my client is not under arrest."

Nadhi, "Mister Rulstavi is going to be arrested for attacking 4 deputies of the Office of Public Prosecution."

Schnookums, "Arraxi and people within the jurisdiction of the Tsovereign Commonwealth have the right to resist even lawful arrest and detention warrants."

Nadhi, "No force was used or brandished by the deputies. We did not even have weapons drawn. We were still deciding where to look for him when we were fired upon."

Schnookums, "My client used non-lethal force to delay you. You’ve been in tougher playground scuffles as a child. This proceeding is not about that."

Nadhi, "Yes, Mr. Rulstavi it is to be deposed as a witness regarding a capital murder. He has the responsibility to be deposed as a witness if there is reasonable suspicion that he has knowledge of the crime. The evidence is circumstantial, but sufficient that he can be deposed as a witness. As a courtesy, instead of removing him offplanet for deposition, we are deposing him here at his residence."

Schnookums, "I have informed him as to his rights. Unfettered access to legal counsel, qualified medical practitioner, spiritual advisor, and a neutral sophiant observer."

Nadhi, "Where is his medical practitioner and spiritual advisor?"

Schnookums, "My client tells me they are both off planet and outside of the Tsovereign Commonwealth, but said he will permit me to contact them soon on his behalf."

Nadhi, "The hulking excessively gesticulating froglike fellow is the Imperial Archivist, who is today acting as sophiant observer."

Chauncey, "Yes, and I object, there has been no evidence presented, nor tests performed, to ascertain whether the deponent is indeed sapient or rational, or by some standards, even conscious."

Nadhi, "There is no one here to object to, this is merely a deposition. You can include your objection for the record."

Chauncey, "I am going to include a strongly worded comment in the margin notes of my transcript of this proceeding."

Schnookums, "I will note that. Thank you, Archivist."

Nadhi, "Ms. Xaris is here to do a ‘reading’ of the deponent."

Schnookums (to his client Nikomedes), "The legal term is 'mumbo-jumbo'. You are not required to answer any of her questions."

Trish, "Nor do I need him to, although some people find it useful to do so."

Nikomendes, "I am ready to get this over with."

Trish sits down on the floor several feet in front of Nikomedes, and spreads out a colorful decorative cloth. She shuffles a deck of cards several times and places one card in the middle of the cloth.

Temperance represents you for the purposes of this reading, you at this moment in time and space. It is highly metaphorical, so try not to misconstrue.

Temperance is represented as a winged daeva. One of my favorites by the way, it appears in my dreams frequently.

The sun upon its forehead.

On its chest the square and triangle of the septenary, which is a fancy word for seven.

It is pouring the essences of life from chalice to chalice.

You can’t really see it in this card, but I have seen the original illustration. It has one foot upon the ground and one upon waters, illustrating the nature of the essences.

The Emperor himself painted these, back when he was not the heir apparent, but a devoted scholar of Cliodynamics, who believe strongly that by studying patterns in history, you can predict the future. His visions rule the Trantorian Imperium. More correctly, his visions instruct his deputies and lieutenants to know the will of the Imperium.

A direct path goes up to certain heights on the verge of the horizon, and above there is a great light, through which a crown is seen vaguely. Some part of the Secret of Eternal Life

It sometimes refer to changes in the seasons, perpetual movement of life, and even the combination of ideas.

That’s a lot to unpack, and you are probably thinking that has little to do with temperance.

I am not supposed to be biased by these surroundings, but living alone 1000 miles to the next nearest encampment, managing all of this equipment by yourself, requires a great deal of temperance.

The card of temperance does not itself deal very much with temperance itself, but what can be gained thru temperance. I wonder what you hoped to gain from your temperance, besides a steady salary, plus pension and medical benefits, possibly some credentials for your curriculum vitae.

Next. The Temperance card is covered by the Eight of Swords, it is inverted….which usually means extra dram

A woman, bound and blind hooded, with swords above her. Fortunately it is of temporary durance than of irretrievable bondage. In your case, voluntary?

Even if you are here voluntarily, it is hard not to feel bound. There are many kinds of bondage. This is a card of temporary durance more than of irretrievable bondage. It is inverted, which generally means extra drama, in this case it is the disquiet and difficulty of your situation. Maybe calumny. In this day and age, who doesn’t have to deal with calumny, but maybe you are feeling more than your share.

What opposes you is the five of wands.

Some youths brandishing staves, as if in sport or strife. It is mimic fake pretend warfare.

Struggle, opposition.

Aggression and temper.

Clashing personalities or egos

Pent up energy and aggression

Irritation and frustration

Lack of cooperation, lack of control

Pettiness, chaos, unruliness.

Being rough, defensive or territorial

Someone was/is upsetting you greatly.

There is definitely a strenuous competition and struggle of the search after riches and fortune.

I wonder where this conflict which so opposes you is.

On the surface, there is the two of wands. What is on the surface tends to be somewhat distracting and occupies your mind, but it is not the root of the problem.

A man looks from a battlemented roof over sea and shore; he holds a globe in his right hand, while a staff in his left rests on the battlement; another is fixed in a ring. The Rose and Cross and Lily on the left side.

There is anticipation of better times, but also anxiety. On the one hand, riches, fortune, magnificence; on the other, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification.

But below the surface lurks the Sun, inverted.

A naked child mounted on a white horse and displaying a red standard.

It is the destiny of the Supernatural East and the great and holy light which goes before the endless procession of humanity, coming out from the walled garden of the sensitive life and passing on the journey home.

The transit from the manifest light of this world, represented by the glorious sun of earth, to the light of the world to come, which goes before aspiration and is typified by the heart of a child.

The sun is that of consciousness in the spirit.

The child is a child in the sense of simplicity and innocence in the sense of wisdom.

In that simplicity, he bears the seal of Nature and of Art

In that innocence, he signifies the restored world.

When the self-knowing spirit has dawned in the consciousness above the natural mind, that mind in its renewal leads forth the animal nature in a state of perfect conformity.

Sounds very quaint and noble, seeking simpler times, but it is inverted, so mostly naivete.

Let’s see what the universe has provided for you to work with.

Ooh, the Page of Cups

A fair, pleasing, somewhat effeminate page, of studious and intent aspect, contemplates a fish rising from a cup to look at him.

The mind taking form.

Cups are generally about spiritual and emotional matters.

Pages, to put it simply, usually have some information to impart.

You are waiting for a message what will help you make sense of something, something personal yet deep.

The nine of swords, inverted.

A lamenting woman seated on her couch, with swords over her.


Someone’s failure, miscarriage, disappointment, or despair meant something to you. Since it is inverted, it means suspicion, doubt, fear, and shame.

Tragic and sad.

Finally in the lower position, another page, of pentacles this time.

I like pages, they have useful information, even bad information is useful.

A youthful figure, looking intently at the pentacle which hovers over his raised hands.

He moves slowly, insensible of that which is about him.

Pentacles tend to be about material worldly things. In this case most likely news, messages and the bringer thereof.

Two Pages in your reading indicate you are waiting for information. The dire nine of swords also sort of indicates waiting. The two of wands also indicates waiting. The sun below the surface is probably something big you are waiting for.

Finally, the part we’re all anxious to hear about, the future.

What does the future hold for you, what rewards if you use the tools the universe provided, what losses if you fail to do so.

The Tower, inverted.

I won’t kid you, the Tower is a bad omen. It depicts ruin in all its aspects. There’s no way to spin that positively, doubly so because it is inverted.

You are hoping to avoid a horrible dark fate, or a horrific dark fate awaits you if you fail.

There is a lot written about the Tower, and I have found none of those explanations compelling.

I try not to overthink it, it is more about WHAT is ruined.

The downfall of the mind, seeking to penetrate the mystery of God (Nature).

ORRRRR, maybe you are wishing a dark fate upon others. Let’s explore that idea for a moment.

The ruin of the House of Life, when evil has prevailed therein.

The rending of a House of Doctrine.

I bet that’s it. You might WANT the Tower, your nihilism is more about the vengeful fall of some House of Doctrine, because it’s a House of Falsehood.

Regardless, a catastrophe, but maybe that is what you hope. Who doesn’t wish for the fall of something deserving.

The chastisement of pride and the intellect overwhelmed in the attempt to penetrate the Mystery of God (Nature)

I think that’s all just overthinking, because it is such a powerful card.

I think we should stick to the basics:  Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception, ruin.

In this context, I wonder who or what you are maybe resentful about.

Next in the future is the three of swords, inverted. I don’t know if you noticed, but all of your sword cards are inverted, you should tread carefully,

Three swords piercing a heart; cloud and rain behind.

Mental alienation, error, loss, distraction, disorder, confusion.

Not a good omen

Let’s hope more for the last card.

Seven of Cups

I like cups, they are personal and spiritual

Strange chalices of vision, but the images are more especially those of the fantastic spirit.

Fairy favors, images of reflection, sentiment, imagination, things seen in the glass of contemplation; some attainment in these degrees, but nothing permanent or substantial is suggested.

Overall, it is a dire and dangerous path you tread, but you ask for big things. The fall of the powerful, and you wish to see the future.

Trish snaps a photograph of the card layout, then stands up and dust herself off. "If you don’t have further need of me, I am feeling a bit queasy and will likely be fully nauseas. I would like to leave."

Nahdi, "You did wonderfully. I don’t think we need you further today. The archivist recorded your statements for the record."

Trish, "I am glad you think it was worthwhile. I think it is wholly redundant. What you need to do is do a genesis strand test of the many rectal devices herein. I am sure there will be evidence you can use."

Nahdi, "I enjoy learning the context, it helps build a narrative which we can work with. We were limited to plain sight at the residence, but we will need an evidence retrieval warrant first to test fluids and open drawers and cabinets, collect genesis strand evidence and check for fingerprints. After the lab results come back, we can probably get the invasive procedure warrant, then we can probe the deponent."

Nicomendez, "No you can’t."

Schnookums, "They will have to get an invasive procedure warrant signed by the Inquisitional Magistrate, and even then, they cannot perform the procedure without your medical practitioner being present."

Trish slips out, holding onto her midsection.

Nahdi, "Mr. Rulstavi, you have two choices. You can either sign a waiver allowing us to collect the colonic apparatus, the enema bottles, and the ovipositor for testing. Or we post a guard here until we get the evidence recovery warrant."

Schnookums, "The government has the affirmative responsibility to safeguard anything which meets the standard of reasonable suspicion it is evidence related to a crime. They still require a warrant or your permission. They can post a guard to ensure that the potential evidence is not tampered with."

Nicomendez, "Take it and get out."

Schnookums, "What is an ovipositor?"

Chauncey, "It is an instrument used to implant a fertilized egg into to cloaca of the third gender of the species to incubate until it hatches."



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