Warrant Requests regarding Nikomedes Rulstavi

Honourable Inquisitional Magistrate Lucrezia Duchessa,


The Science Mobile Force (SMF) Unit of Araxes Research Science Exploration uncovered a recently butchered corpse at one of the excavation sites on the second planet of LP 45-128 A, less than 16 light-years from Mu Draconis.

LP 45-128 A-2 is mostly scientific expeditions and monitoring at this stage of development. Only a hundred expedition encampments.

A relic was discovered at one of the excavation sites being excavated for an in-ground radio telescope. The relic resembled a gold cladded doorway. Beneath the doorway was a freshly butchered corpse, and some scattered dolls.

Pathologist Medical Examiner Dr. Aristides agreed with the on-site teams’ assessment that the murder was most likely ritualistic in nature. The corpse was severely but meticulously mutilated, and completely exsanguinated. Very little blood was found at the scene.

LP 45-128 A-2 is marginally habitable, albeit cold. Light gravity and low atmospheric pressure, but people can function on the surface with only breathing assistance, not full environmental gear.

LP 45-128 A-2 has complete stratospheric monitoring, able to detect any object greater than a kilogram passing thru its stratosphere. As all of the scientists, engineers, and techs were accounted for, the victim must have been smuggled to the surface of the planet by one of the existing scientists, engineers, and techs.

Khwairif Yazira Tamaris Bagrationi issued deposition orders to the few scientists, engineers, and techs who reside on LP 45-128 A-2, have been off planet in the most recent 3 months. The Science Mobile Force (SMF) served the subpoenas issued by Khwairif Yazira Tamaris Bagrationi on them, mostly without incident. Only one presented resistance.

Forwarded to your good offices, and attached herein, is the transcript and body camera footage of the Office of Public Prosecution Team’s attempt to serve a deposition notice to Nikomedes Rulstavi.

Nikomedes Rulstavi is a lone technician working at a Kironide prospecting site, nearly 1000 miles to the next nearest encampment. Rulstavi previously served in the Imperium Navy and was honourably discharged. Other than a few bar fights, he has no criminal record. We anticipated the subpoena service to be as uneventful as the rest.

Before the team had even fully mobilized to locate Mr. Rulstavi at the drill site, we were fired upon by a modified albeit smaller version of a tractor beam. While no one was seriously injured and it was non-lethal force, it was still unprovoked hostility, as we had not even unholstered weapons, we still think it meets the standards of assault and we do not think it qualifies as legal right to resist.

Mr. Rulstavi was detained by Deputy Salma Gallimaufry. As he used a weapon, we searched his work space and personal quarters but only plain sight search.

Mr. Rulstavi was informed of his rights by Deputy Salma Gallimaufry, which were reiterated by his legal counsel, Counselor Schnookums Zero, who has provided legal services in Arrakis on several previous occasions.

Forwarded to your good offices, and attached herein, is a copy of the deposition of Mr. Rulstavi conducted by Trish’Shar Xaris, who is known to the courts from previous work of this type. Mr. Rulstavi did not respond to anything, but as I understand it, it is optional, and they mostly assess his reactions to the 'reading'.

At the scene, was discovered many implements related to anal maintenance, a colonic device, several enema injectors, and an ovipositor which is used to insert eggs into the cloaka. All had bloodstains.

We collected the anal maintenance implements, with permission by Mr. Rulstavi, who preferred it to us posting a guard to ensure the evidence was not tampered with or destroyed.

Our good offices feels we have enough reasonable suspicion and there is sufficient exigent circumstances that we could test the implements, but we felt it best to have an evidence recovery and analysis order from your good offices.

If the blood on any of the implements turns out to be a match for the victim, we request a medical invasive probe warrant to check Mr. Rulstavi body cavities for further evidence. We also request to formally detain Mr. Rulstavi as a suspect, if the blood is a match, it definitely ties him to the crime either as the perpetrator or an accomplice.


Nahdi Hornedhare

Science Mobile Force (SMF) Unit of Araxes Research Science Exploration

Fugitive Recovery and Evidence Collection Unit of the Office of Public Prosecutions


At the Rose Mansion, summer residence of the Margrave

Honourable Inquisitional Magistrate Lucrezia, Duchessa di Ferrara, adjusted her hat with care. It was her full intention to take a short walk in the gardens before luncheon.

But first, there was business that required her attention. After all, there were forms and protocols to be obeyed.

She had received the correspondence from the Office of Public Prosecutions and reviewed the transcripts and visual evidence.

In response, she had prepared the requested evidence recovery and analysis order. She also issued a warrant to detain and examine Nikomedes Rulstavi. These documents had been sent by the Imperial Courier that very morning.

There was one phrase that had caught her attention - the mention of a relic, a gold cladded doorway. There was something very familiar here - something that occurred several years ago on Araxas, that may have involved Hasturian cultists.

Lucrezia made her way to the Imperial Archives. This was a matter that requires a little research.

At the Archives


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