Garudas Guide to Humani

 Garudas Guide to Humani

An academic textbook understanding of Humani does not fully prepare you for in person interaction, this guide is mostly to prepare you for your first exposure to Humani, relating in more personal terms what you may have learned in the academic texts. Please note, studies of Humani are ongoing and some areas of research are off limits due to political, ethical, moral and practical concerns.

Humani commonly consider their biology and the environment they are native to, to be quite common. The Tellurian homeworld in fact is quite rare and could possibly be considered anomalous, so too is their peculiar biology.

A major event in their planetary evolution was the development of lignin in trees, but for some reason no organism evolved which could digest it for tens of millions of years. As a result, massive amounts of carbon was taken out of the system and the oxygen level rose to nearly the spontaneous atmospheric ignition levels. During this artificially over-oxygenated environment, iron supplanted copper based blood elements as blood/gas exchange medium. Copper is superior for blood gas exchange at lower oxygen levels, lower air pressures and relatively cooler temperatures, iron does not typically develop unless warmer high oxygen levels and pressures persist for prolonged periods.

The second major shift was the massive transition from arboreal landscapes to grass based landscapes, which cooled the planet substantially and led to a greater prevalence of grazers over browsers in the local fauna.

Humans evolved to somehow release heat instead of conserving it, and were able to fill an obscure ecosystem niche of daytime endurance hunter/scavengers to supplement their protein needs that were not sufficiently suited to their fructivorous origins.

1. Humani Odours

Humani primarily depend on saliva in their mouth instead of in a crop or gizzard, used to soften their food and further teeth to further break down their food to aid in digestion. Because the saliva is in their mouth and not a crop or gizzard, this makes Humani breath disgusting, plus they make a lot of noise while they eat. Especially since many of them chew with their mouths open. A lot of partially rotting and fermenting food ends up dissolved in the mouths of Humani, which further causes very putrid breath. Even with diligent mouth hygiene, their breath is quite difficult to tolerate. Many Humani, particularly males, stand too close, which makes their breath harder to ignore.

Humani digestion uses a large amount of digestive acid and bile to break down their food, which causes them to be quite filled with noxious smelling gasses which often erupts up thru their esophagous and out thru their mouth. Thus it is best to keep a discrete distance during and especially just after they have just eaten.

Humani have an extremely long digestive tract, similar in size to omnivores such as pigs, and as such is a storehouse for innumerable pathogens. Humani can carry around large quantities of fecal matter. but their very acidic digestive system is more similar to facultative scavengers such as hyena’s. Humani are not true facultative scavengers, although they can obtain nutrition from bones, will actually die from constipation from doing so. The very acidic digestive juices is thought to be a much later adaption.

Humani do not possess an esophogeal crop or a gizzard, so they must break up their food into small pieces in order to eat it. They also do not use crop stones to break down the food in their crop. They will be confused if you offer it to them. Some will swallow the stones out of politeness, either trying to chew the stones or swallowing them whole. Humani are very prone to choking, so it is advisable not to do so. As Humani have an anus instead of a cloaca, the crop stones will cause them much discomfort as it attempts to pass thru their sphincters. As Humani are descendant from a prey species that was originally primarily fructivorous and only later partially evolved to facultative scavengers and endurance hunters, they have an especially long intestinal tract and the crop stones will often get lodged there causing them discomfort and even injury.

Humani are often prone to empathic reflex known as sympathetic vomiting when they witness someone else also doing so. As the human larynx (used to speak) is poorly designed such that they are quite susceptible to choking, vomiting poses some risk and discomfort to them. Thus, it is best not to regurgitate crop and gizzard stones or any undigested bones in front of Humani. A special note, humani females possess mammary glands which produce milk after giving birth to feed their infants, they do not regurgitate partially digested food and find the sight of it disturbing; it is advisable to find a private place to regurgitate for younglings.

Humani are descendant from a fructivorous prey species and are not true omnivores, they had a makeshift method of digesting much of their food. This ad hoc evolution was a symbiotic relationship with intestinal digestive bacterial which they depend upon to digest certain foods. Humani intestinal digestive bacteria is easily overwhelmed, and the backup system is a kind of fermenting system which leads to very foul smelling flatulence. Even when the Humani intestinal digestive bacteria is not overwhelmed, Humani tend towards a substantial production of gaseous emissions, and like many prey species produce a large amount of foul smelling methane gas.

Humani are descendant from a fructivorous prey species, have a very long small intestine. This combined with their dependence upon bacterial symbiosis and fermentation, Humani are prone to bloating and obesity.

In general, Humani produce a large array of body odours whose intensity can be influenced by behavioral patterns, illness, personal hygiene and even psychological conditions. For unknown reasons, Humani possess more odor producing sources that other primates, in particular substantially more apocrine glands.

Humani body odours are mainly caused by skin glands excretions and bacterial activity. Among the different types of skin glands, the Humani body odor is primarily the result of the apocrine sweat glands, which secrete chemical compounds who bacterial which live on Humani skin consume and metabolize which produces odorants. Humani bodies have strategically placed body hair which is springy in nature, possibly to help diffuse body odors.

Bacteria that live on Humani skin consume the glandular productions from Humani, which as a result manufacture enzymes that break down the lipids from to Humani sweat. Humani bodies host a large array of bacteria, so the odours are quite diverse, most smell like ammonia, vinegar, rotting fish and various types of strong cheese which have gone sour.

Humani, self conscious of their odious nature, often attempt to reduce their body odours by using deodorants, antiperspirants, disinfectants, underarm liners, triclosan, special soaps or foams with antiseptic plant extracts such as ribwort and liquorice, chlorophyllin ointments and sprays topically, and chlorophyllin supplements internally.

Humani bodies very easily become chemically imbalanced which leads to many medical conditions which makes their body odour even worse: bromhidrosis, apocrine bromhidrosis, osmidrosis, ozochrotia, fetid sweat, malodorous sweating.

2. Humani Water Management and Waste Management System

According to Imperial Archives, claims that Humani brains being artificially uplifted by some more advanced species have been around for as long as Humanis have. If they were artificially designed, it is unsure what the objective was or whether it was successful. Mammalian brain architecture is basically many laminated 2-dimensional layers which try to emulate 3-dimensions. This laminated structure in Humani is further complicated by having higher functions in the front of the brain instead of centrally. As a result, for attempts at higher functioning, Humani brains are very inefficient, and consume a great deal of oxygen, require excessive bloodflow and produce a great deal of heat which requires their entire body chemistry and overall design to be worked around.

To cool down the Humani brain, a large amount of urea instead of uric acid is used. This puts a great deal of pressure for their kidneys to clear, which requires a large amount of water to be processed. As a result, Humani have very inefficient water management. Without exertion or heat factors, Humani excrete a litre of sweat per day, much of it bringing for the foul smelling urea and ammonia. With added heat and exertion factors, Humani can excrete up to a litre of sweat in 15 minutes. Humani body water management also requires them to excrete waste in the form of urine, an average of a litre and a half per day under normal circumstances. Hence, Humani have two separate excretory orifices in addition to their skin pores, one for semi-solid waste and another for liquid waste.

A major side effect of Humani body water management and body waste management is that Humani use a remarkable amount of water to cleanse themselves and to process their waste products. The amount of water Humani communities contaminate is astounding, using on average 18 tons of drinking water to process what amounts to only 11 kilograms of solid waste per year when the other 250 kilograms of water is removed from it. Humani liquid waste, including the liquid portion of their semi-solid waste but not including perspiration is close to nearly a ton per year.

Despite their tremendous need for water for cooling, Humani lack salt glands to eliminate excess salt, so they cannot drink seawater to cool themselves.

Humani’s poor body water and waste management is probably related to why they are so heat tolerant, much more so than most species. This allows them to survive during their transition into being a scavenger/semi-hunter species, allowing them to travel long distances during the heat of the day pursuing injured animals for food while most animals cannot travel as far due to overheating.

Humani have a multi-lobed liver to perform different functions instead of two separate livers, hence Humani livers are more easily overwhelmed. Humani have a remarkably peculiar skin pigment chemical known as melanin to give them partial protection from ambient solar ultraviolet rays, melanin produces an enzyme in response to the radiation which is then processed by their liver to produce a vital nutrient known as Vitamin-D and it also produces Humani Growth Hormone which is an integral part of their immune system. This leads to ultraviolet radiation addicts known as tanners.

Humani have single stranded hair instead of feathers that cover their body with varying thickness. The primary purpose of the springy body hair appears to be to distribute their body odour.

Humani frequently respond to a wide variety of malady by some part of their body swelling, physical injury as well as bacteriological or viral infection and a host of diseases. To compound this further, their lips, eyelids, mammary nipples and genitals are made from erectile tissue and quite readily inflame under a wide variety of stimuli.

3. Humani Locomotion and Skeletal System

The Humani endurance hunting mezzanine evolutionary period is probably related to the peculiar way which Humani walk. Instead of walking digitigrade on their toes, Humanis very clumsily and noisily walk on the heels and soles of their feet, although not as noisily as unguligrades. While it is easy to criticize this form of ungainly locomotion, the Humani Achilles tendon allows them to have separate locomotion for walking and running.

The Achilles tendon makes their manner of walking appear as if they are falling forward over their center of gravity, which can seem alarming at first, eventually you will stop thinking they are going to fall over. When they do fall over, Humani are quite accident prone, it is difficult to be surprised. Although at first this appears like they are going to fall over at any moment, it is quite an energy efficient means of low speed ground movement. Humani running is not remarkable, but Humani can walk impressive distances, longer than most species, and even during the heat of the day.

Humani are descendant from an arboreal species instead of an avianoid species, so they lack a strong keelbone. In fact, Humani have a very delicate sternum and diaphragms in their mid abdomen which can be easily broken.

Humani shoulders were evolved for a form of arboreal locomotion known as brachiation, which is find from climbing trees, but later were adapted for throwing long distances accurately. Humani can throw both small and medium sized aerodynamic object impressive distances quite accurately and should not be underestimated.

The cooling system needed for the inefficiently designed Humani brain and the shoulder design for throwing, and the leg design for their peculiar mode of walking have all resulted in Humani not being an especially strong species per unit of mass.

Humani lack a beak or rostrum, instead have calcium based teeth, much like the egg teeth that Garudas grow over their internal beak. Because Humani lack a beak which is part of their skull to reinforce their teeth and instead have teeth that are implanted into sockets in their jaw, these teeth are much more easily dislodged. Also, Humani adult teeth are not naturally replaced like egg-teeth are.

The cooling system needed for the inefficiently designed Humani brain and the shoulder design for throwing, and the leg design for their peculiar mode of walking have all resulted in Humani not being an especially strong species per unit of mass. Nor are Humani particularly fast in any given mode of locomotion, but they do possess a versatile suite of movement modes, able to climb, swim, run, jump, walk, etc.

Humani are more resilient than Garudas on average, but are relatively fragile compared to many species. Humani however can withstand a remarkable amount of pain and physical abuse and still be able to function. Most species so grievously injured are doomed to die from injuries that a humani will persist with.

4. Humani Voice, Respiratory and Cardiovascular System

Humani use a larynx instead of the more developed syrinx to produce the sounds which they use for speech. It has only a limited range of vocalizations, and is placed in such a way that Humani are susceptible to choking. Although there are Humani who have very fine voices, most Humani make vocalization sounds that may seem unpleasant. The vast majority of Humani are very poor singers, with voices reminiscent of someone strangling a cat.

Humani respiratory system is a basic lung system which is like a flexible bottle that expands and contracts to take in air and expel it. Although functional and simple, it is not especially efficient and has some severe drawbacks. When Humani pause breathing, the air in their lungs stops moving such that the air in contact with the exchange surface of the lungs stagnates, dramatically reducing gas/blood exchange. The air does not begin to move again until they compress to exhale, but that is also less efficient. Humani lungs do not have an extra opening to let out the exhalation of oxygen depleted air. Humani do not have air sacs to pump the air thru the lungs, instead have a diaphragm in an extremely vulnerable location which when stuck properly (and often accidentally), will prevent the Humani from being able to breathe for several seconds causing them great distress. Human possess many such vulnerabilities, it is a wonder how they have survived despite this.

Humani also lack auxiliary air sacs in their bones, so they do not have very great air storage capacity. As such, the Humani respiratory system takes up half the volume and has a third of the capacity of the Garudas respiratory system.

Humani like most mammals use alveoli instead of parabronchi for lung gas exchange, hence Humani have a relatively small surface area for gas exchange with the heart, so they do not breathe very efficiently. This is common among most mammalian species. As Humanis lack the auxiliary air sacs, they exhale once for each inhale.

Humani lack Bronchial Hearts for each lung which pumps blood thru the lungs for oxygenation independent of the Systemic Heart which circulates the blood. Because of this, the Humani respiratory system is dependent upon ambient air pressure to oxygenate their blood, hence in very low air pressure or vacuum, they asphyxiate quickly and their lungs can even rupture.

Humani like the vast majority of mammals, have only a single heart which is both used for the oxygenation of the blood thru their lungs and to circulate the same blood thru their body, which leads to inefficiencies and makes them susceptible to injury and cardiovascular distress. The single systemic heart system and a completely closed circulatory system means that Humani have extremely high blood pressure and can be exsanguinated in as little as seconds under certain circumstances. They are also extremely susceptible to rapid effects from intravenous injections.

Humani have single stranded hair instead of feathers. The primary purpose of this hair appears to be to distribute their body odour.

5. Humani Reproduction.

One of the most remarkable things about Humani, and mammals in general is that the females have mammary glands which produce milk which is used to feed their infants. The milk is produced in their blood and is pooled in the chest areas after childbirth. These mammary glands are very sensitive to the touch, on par with the Garudas somatosensory system in general.

For some reason, male Humani seminal fluid is formed in poorly defended exposed sacks near in the lowermost abdomen. With minimal amount of practice, this vulnerable point is easily exploited to deter aggressive humani males. The exposed testicals also makes castration of unrule males a relatively simple surgical procedure and can even be performed by non-medical personnel.

Because Humani do not have mating seasons, and somehow related to this Humani Male testes are always inflamed. Likewise, female ovulation is often obscured from the males.

Humani females lack sperm storage tubules, so instead of being able to preserve the active sperm of prospective mates for weeks or even months, Human male sperm loses its viability within hours.

Also, instead of a prehensile probiscus, Humani males have a simple non-prehensile erectile penis for inserting said seminal fluid into the female for fertilization.

Humani have a second waste elimination orifice, only one of which is used for reproduction and child birth, which possibly leads to some confusion.

Despite the many strange and seemingly counterproductive aspects of Humani reproduction, there appears to be countless trillions of them inhabiting the Mutter’s Spiral Galaxy. Many humani invest a great deal of time, effort and resources in reproduction related activities. Many humani are quite self-conscious about appearing reproductively viable as a means of maintaining societal status.

Although male humani cannot lactate, they possess nipples where their mammary glands would be located if they were female. These superfluous nipples provide no purpose other than personal stimulation.

6. Humani Vision and Other Senses.

Humani have a limited visual range and limited visual acuity. Humani cannot see in the ultraviolet or the infrared and is skewed towards the green and yellow part of the spectrum, so colours will appear different to them. This may lead to why many Humani have garish fashion sense. Humanis have only 3 types of colour sensing cones in their eyes, and thus cannot differentiate as many colours.

The Humani eye is mostly spherical and does not allow as much of their visual field to be in focus.

Humani lack a lubricated nictitating membrane, as a result they blink very often, especially when nervous or lying. It also means they have limited visual acuity under water.

Humani lubricate their eyes with a salty saline solution known as tears, and not the lachrymal oil from Harderian glands.

For some reason, Humani eyes have a major blood vessel which blocks part of the optic nerve creating a blind spot that most don’t seem to be aware of.

The vast majority of Humani are not sensitive to magnetic fields, and their skin is not very sensitive to pressure, heat, etc. Other than female mammary glands, genital areas and mouth area, Humani skin is very insensitive. However, like many prey species, Humani are ticklish.

Humani olfactory sense (smell) is superior to Garudas, but is less sensitive than the average mammalian species.

The humani parietal sense is very poorly developed, and as such have difficulty sensing sun position under overcast conditions, or sources of Ultraviolet light in general. Thus humani are struggle with regulating circadian rhythmicity and hormone production for thermoregulation.

Humani appear to lack Lorenzini ampullae which would allow them to detect electric fields. Despite this, Humani are still quite susceptible to electrical shock.

Humani Magnetoreception is very poorly developed, and except for a few dowsers, are unable to detect magnetic fields to perceive direction, altitude or location.

7. Humani Higher Brain Function

Humani, Garudas, mammals, and most known vertebrate species use a very close set of chemical neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, and a library of membrane-bound protein receptors specific for each neurotransmitter for intercellular signalling. This is the closest similarity among the broad swathe of species in the Mutter’s Spiral.

The internal organizations inside the brains of Garudas and mammals are quite dissimilar.

Humani neocortex features layers of cells (lamination) connected by columns of other cells, forming functional modules characterized by neuronal types and specific connections. Nerve cells in the Humani cerebral neocortex are stacked like layers in plywood while those in the Garudas cerebrum are clustered together in nuclei rather like cloves in a large garlic bulb, which Humani brain is more like many layers of an onion.

The executive center for high-level cognitive functions in mammal brains is the prefrontal cortex (PFC) which lies at the front of the cerebrum. The equivalent center for convergence and coordination in Garuda brains, called the nidopallium caudolaterale (NCL), is at the rear of the cerebrum. Higher brain functions in Humani, like other primates and most mammalian species, being in the forebrain instead of centrally located is very inefficient and leads to some difficulties, in particular energy consumption and overheating issues.

In the transition from cynodonts to mammals, the relative size of the forebrain expanded. The neocortex, the sheetlike, six-layered structure in the roof of the forebrain greatly expanded. This ad-hoc development led to the commitment to cognitive function which was inefficient for signalling to different parts of the brain.

The Garuda brain structure with many compact nuclei is more efficient with neural wiring than the mammalian structure with a large, flat cortical sheet, and thus that an Garuda could be smarter than a mammal of the same brain size, especially as those brain sizes get larger.

The overall brain structure of Garudas is organized into neuron clusters ("nuclei") vs. mammals, which is organized into layered 2D sheets ("cortical lamina"). That nuclei (Garudas) vs. lamina (mammals) is not an arbitrary difference as it greatly affects wiring efficiency and signaling speed.

One consequence of multiple maps in mammals is that the connections between the maps must traverse relatively long distances and thus in larger brains a greater amount of space must be devoted to the neocortical white matter that carries the "wires" connecting the maps. The Garuda architecture is far more economical in terms of the wiring because it involves only a single large map in the wulst, thus Garudas can process more cognitive functioning with much less brain mass.

Mammal have a laminar structure in their forebrain (cortex). Sheets/layers of specific cell types, and each layer is unique in where it is receiving input from and sending output to. This structure is what gives Humani and some other mammals their characteristic wrinkled look, since everything is organized in a sheet, you have to start folding it up if you want to fit more in. Garudas, on the other hand have cells organized into nuclei, with each nucleus having unique inputs and outputs. While the laminar structure keeps different layers close to each other and therefore allows the different layers to connect efficiently, if the brain has to access different areas, it is very slow.

Garudas possess what are called "abstract rule neurons" which governed which answer they would give. This is how Garuda brains developed to handle abstract rules, which is why they are good at learning and responding to a variety of situations in a flexible way. The ability to guide behavior by general rules rather than by relying on fixed stimulus-response associations constitutes a survival advantage. This is the same survival advantage conferred on Humani due to our intelligence. But Humani intelligence occupies a very different structure in their brains.

Humani brains lack the abstract rule neurons, and hence the net result in the difference in brain structure is that most Humani appear by Garuda standards to be learning impaired. That does not mean that there are not outstanding Humani thinkers, they are just a small minority.

Humanis lack the Garudas specialization of a complex brain area network to support song learning and vocalization. This is probably related to Humani relatively slow evolutionary development, and why so many of them are such poor communicators.

Exceptionally gifted Humani does not appear to be especially resilient genetically, and most studies appear that Humani intelligence is mean reverting. Thus exceptionally gifted parents do not produce children who are equally exceptionally gifted. This may lead to why Humani societies appear to be dependent upon excessive reproduction.

There is still some academic debate whether Humani are sentient, sapient or whether they are even truly conscious. Legally, the Garuda government officially errs on the side of caution, and we treat Humani as if they are sentient.

The study of Humani innovation in science and philosophy, brings for the Humani Sleepwalker Theory, which suggests that discoveries in Humani scientific and philosophical discovery arises through a process akin to sleepwalking. Not that they arise by chance, but rather that scientists and philosophers are neither fully aware of what guides their research, nor are they fully aware of the implications of what they discover.

The seemingly contradictory threads of the relationship between faith and reason existed harmoniously in many of the greatest Humani intellectuals. While faith and reason are momentarily estranged among many Humani cultures, in the past the most ground-breaking thinkers were often very spiritual. Humani scientists and philosopher have been at their best when they allowed themselves to behave as "sleepwalkers," instead of trying too earnestly to ratiocinate.

The sleepwalker theory further posits that even the greatest of minds merely subconsciously synthesize their culture, but are unaware of the process. People do not think, but merely process, and mostly unaware of their internal processes. Most sleepwalkers go about their lives more or less automatically. Occasionally great movements in their collective memes cases a shift. The sleepwalkers are responsible for the majority, their contribution are reflections of the whole. Like people recreating their favorite holoprogram on a virtual reality platform, much can be learned from them.

The final conclusion of the sleepwalker theory is that like ants and other hive animals, Humani are not truly sentient, but merely appear sentient as certain innovations emerge thru their collective effects, the individual genius only appears sentient by virtue of being the entity thru which the shifting meme emerges the actual innovation, which it was actually the result of collective action.

Because of the lamellar brain architecture, the majority of Humani mental processes are mostly conducted without their actual awareness. As such, Humani are susceptible to mythopoetic stimuli and are in general quite gullible.

The Humani lamellar brain architecture and it’s peculiar method of producing neural networks leads to humani being susceptible to a large array of mental illnesses and personality defects and generally irrational behaviours. The high frequency of subclinical and clinical narcissism, sociopathy, psychopathy, neurosis, phobias, perceptual filters, cognitive dissonance and innumerable personality defects is astounding.

The lateralization of the human brain also leads it to profoundly separated brain functions, which may have inhibited human consciousness. The Tellurian Consciousness Theory is thought that until the Tellurian Bronze Age Collapse about 4000 years ago, humani minds assumed a state in which cognitive functions were divided between one part of the brain which appears to be "speaking", and a second part which listens and obeyed, preventing introspective consciousness as we commonly think of it.

Humani eyes sometimes produce excess amounts of water in response to emotional or physical distress, this apparently is not a medical issue.

The Tellurian Consciousness Theory

Garuda scientists have posited theories about Humani Consciousness, particularly Tellurian Humani and their lineal descendants. As the brain structure is the same, it is posited that the conditions exist among other Humani as well.

The Tellurian Consciousness Theory is thought that until the Tellurian Bronze Age Collapse about 4000 years ago, humani minds assumed a state in which cognitive functions were divided between one part of the brain which appears to be "speaking", and a second part which listens and obeyed, preventing introspective consciousness as we commonly think of it.

The Humani mental state exists in which the experiences and memories of the right hemisphere of the brain are transmitted to the left hemisphere via auditory hallucinations. The lateralization of brain function although each half of a normal human brain is constantly communicating with the other through the corpus callosum. The two halves of the bicameral brain are "cut off" from each other but was experienced as a different, non-conscious mental schema wherein volition in the face of novel stimuli was mediated through a linguistic control mechanism and experienced as auditory verbal hallucination.

The resultant mentality is non-conscious in its inability to reason and articulate about mental contents through meta-reflection, reacting without explicitly realizing and without the meta-reflective ability to give an account of why one did so. The Tellurian mind would thus lack metaconsciousness, autobiographical memory and the capacity for executive "ego functions" such as deliberate mind-wandering and conscious introspection of mental content.

It was only much later when this method of social control was no longer adaptive in complex civilizations, this mental model was replaced by the conscious mode of thought which, is grounded in the acquisition of metaphorical language learned by exposure to narrative practice.

Ancient people in the bicameral state of mind experience the world in a manner that has some similarities to that of a schizophrenic. Rather than making conscious evaluations in novel or unexpected situations, the person would hallucinate a voice or "god" giving admonitory advice or commands and obey without question: one would not be at all conscious of one's own thought processes per se.

This is possibly one of the major reasons why humans are susceptible to a large range of seeming mental illnesses. They are only a few thousand years adapting to the new innovation of consciousness, and possibly only a small minority of any of them are conscious.

Citing evidence from many diverse sources including historical literature and taking an interdisciplinary approach, drawing data from many different fields, until roughly the times written about in Homer's Iliad, humans did not generally have the self-awareness characteristic of consciousness. The Tellurian individual was guided by mental commands believed to be issued by external "gods" — commands which were recorded in ancient myths, legends and historical accounts. This is exemplified not only in the commands given to characters in ancient epics but also the very muses of Greek mythology which "sang" the poems: the ancients literally heard muses as the direct source of their music and poetry.

In the Iliad and sections of the Old Testament no mention is made of any kind of cognitive processes such as introspection, and there is no apparent indication that the writers were self-aware. The older portions of the Old Testament (such as the Book of Amos) have few or none of the features of some later books of the Old Testament (such as Ecclesiastes) as well as later works such as Homer's Odyssey, which show indications of a profoundly different kind of mentality — an early form of consciousness.

The Gilgamesh epic seems to predate even the oldest passages of the Old Testament, and yet it describes introspection. The most complete version of the Gilgamesh epic dates to post-bicameral times (7th century BCE), dismisses these instances of introspection as the result of rewriting and expansion by later conscious scribes, and points to differences between the more recent version of Gilgamesh and surviving fragments of earlier versions. It has also been considered to be an anomalous exception.

In ancient times, gods were generally much more numerous and much more anthropomorphic than in later times, and speculates that this was because each bicameral person had their own "god" who reflected their own desires and experiences. Ancient societies the corpses of the dead were often treated as though still alive (being seated, dressed and even fed) as a form of ancestor worship, the dead bodies were presumed to be still living and the source of auditory hallucinations. This adaptation to the village communities of 100 individuals or more formed the core of religion. Unlike today's hallucinations, the voices of ancient times were structured by cultural norms to produce a seamlessly functioning society. In Ancient Greek culture there is often mention of the Logos, which is a very similar concept. It was a type of guiding voice that was heard as from a seemingly external source.

These "voices" seem to come from the right brain counterparts of the left brain language centres—specifically, the counterparts to Wernicke's area and Broca's area. These regions are somewhat dormant in the right brains of most modern humans, studies show that auditory hallucinations correspond to increased activity in these areas of the brain.

There is little or no consensus as to the cause or origins of schizophrenia, but may be a vestige of humanity's earlier bicameral state, or at least what makes humani so susceptible to it. Many schizophrenics do not just hear random voices but experience "command hallucinations" instructing their behavior or urging them to commit certain acts. These command hallucinations are little different from the commands from gods which feature prominently in ancient stories.

The shift from bicameralism marked the beginning of introspection and consciousness as we know it today. This bicameral mentality began malfunctioning or "breaking down" during the 2nd millennium BCE. Primitive ancient societies tend to collapse periodically (e.g., Egypt's Intermediate Periods, as well as the periodically vanishing cities of the Mayas) as changes in the environment strained the socio-cultural equilibria sustained by this bicameral mindset. The Bronze age collapse of the 2nd millennium BCE led to mass migrations and created a rash of unexpected situations and stresses which required ancient minds to become more flexible and creative. Self-awareness, or consciousness, was the culturally evolved solution to this problem. This necessity of communicating commonly observed phenomena among individuals who shared no common language or cultural upbringing encouraged those communities to become self-aware to survive in a new environment. Thus consciousness, like bicamerality, emerged as a neurological adaptation to social complexity in a changing world.

Divination, prayer, and oracles arose during this breakdown period, in an attempt to summon instructions from the "gods" whose voices could no longer be heard. The consultation of special bicamerally operative individuals, or of divination by casting lots and so forth, was a response to this loss, a transitional era depicted, for example, in the book of 1 Samuel. It was also evidenced in children who could communicate with the gods, but as their neurology was set by language and society they gradually lost that ability. Those who continued prophesying, being bicameral, could be killed. Leftovers of the bicameral mind today, include religion, hypnosis, possession, schizophrenia, and the general sense of need for external authority in decision-making.

This hypothesis is controversial, is only popular among academics as it is an easy to understand model to explain the seemingly bizarre range of humani mentality.

Recent neuroimaging studies provide new evidence for the bicameral neurological model (e.g., auditory hallucinations arising in the right temporal-parietal lobe and being transmitted to the left temporal-parietal lobe).

The most frequent criticisms of the bicameral theory are either incorrect or reflect serious misunderstandings of the theory, especially the more precise definition of consciousness used in the bicameral mind theory. The bicameral mind theory defines consciousness—in the tradition of Locke and Descartes—as "that which is introspectable". The bicameral mind theory draws a sharp distinction between consciousness ("introspectable mind-space") and other mental processes such as cognition, learning, and sense and perception. This distinction is frequently not recognized by those offering critiques of the The bicameral mind theory.

Divination is also considerably older than that date and the early writings he claims show bicamerality; the oldest recorded Chinese Writing was on oracle bones, meaning that divination arose at the same time or even earlier than writing, in Chinese Society.

While he said ancient societies engaged in ancestor worship before this date, non-ancient societies also engaged in it after that date; South American societies like the Aztecs and Egyptians mummified rulers, the Aztecs all the way up to the meeting with Hernan Cortes. Both were very advanced societies.

The Bicameral Mind Theory is mostly based on the writings and culture of the Mediterranean and Near-Eastern regions, although occasionally refers to ancient writings of India and China. It does not explain how such bicameralism could also have been near totally lost at the same time across the whole planet and in the entire human kind. In particular the aborigine culture was completely separated from the rest of the world from 4000 BCE to 1600 CE and appears today to be both historically unchanged but also self-conscious.

Alternative and similar theories include referring to the right cortical hemisphere as "Thinker" and the left cortical hemisphere as "Prover". "Whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves." Others referring to the left cortical hemisphere as an "Apologist", and the right cortical hemisphere as a "Revolutionary". An inversion theory posits that the left hemisphere of the brain (the "emissary") has increasingly taken over from the right hemisphere (the "master"), to our detriment, and that rather than a shift from bicameralism there evolved a separation of the hemispheres.[34]

Sense of agency is closely connected with lateralization. The left parietal lobe is active when visualizing actions in the first person, while the right parietal lobe is active for actions in the third person. Additionally, Wernicke's area processes the literal meaning of language, while the homologous region in the right hemisphere processes the intent of a speaker. It has been found that people with damage to the right inferior parietal cortex experience alien hand syndrome, as do people who have had a corpus callosotomy. This reverses the relationship between the right and left hemispheres posited by bicameralism: it is the left hemisphere that "speaks" and the right hemisphere that is responsible for self-awareness.



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