Sothothians Overview

 Sothothians Overview

By Professor Ubiquitous Von Wer Foreman Serendipity

Scale of Attributes (lowest to highest)



Low (Inactive Person Average)

Typical (Normal Active Person Average)




Remarkable (this is pretty much normal human maximum, except for height)











Primordial and Ancient Colonists


     Also known as Elder Things, Old Ones, and Elder Ones. Adult Elderians are very consistently 2 meter tall and 1 meter diameter and a 2 meter wingspan of leather comblike wings. Radially symmetrical body shape like a roughly ovalish pentagram shaped barrel with starfish like appendages at each end, a pair of retractable leather wings and five stalklike appendages. Five eyes, five feeding tubes, and five prismatic cilia for nightvision. A necropsy of a specimen revealed a five lobed brain. Amphibious ominivores but preferably carnivores, reproduced by spores. Immune to aging and most tellestrial disease and pathogens, effectively immortal except from accident or murder. Damage resistant, capable of resisting the oppressive pressure of the deep oceans and the cold, vacuum and radiation of space, about to put themselves into a state of hibernations for unlimited periods. Their blood was a thick dark greenish ichor whose stench could be detected from long distances which enraged dogs provoking them to attack.

     Elderians are the earliest colonizers of Tellestia, over a billion years ago. Other than directed energy weapons and space flight, not a lot is known about Elderian technology. Elderian historical records show they were adept genetic engineers. Elderian gengineers either invented the multifunctional shoggoths, as food source and labour, or adapted it from the unbegotton demiurge Ubbo-Sathla. Elderians had expansive vineyards, and a variety of domesticated animals and pets and service animals which included a giant blind albino sentry attack penguin. Elderian domestication depended strongly on mind control.

     Once an expansive culture with global trade and commerce, mining, agriculture, and manufacturing. The gradual planetary cooling, a series wars with the Yithians, Xotherians, Yugguthians, and Yakshtondians, and a slave rebellion by their polymorphic shoggoths as they evolved sentience, all contributed to Elderian technological decline and societal attrition.

     Abilities (20): Amphibious, 360 Vision, Darkvision, Hibernation, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Move in Space, Swim, Fly, Critical attack Constrict

     Knowledge (14) Arcana, Engineering, Biology, Geography, History, Nature, Sothethery

     Resist (14): Aging, Fire, Piercing, Disease/Infection, Poison/Toxin/Drugs, cold/radiation/vacuum, Pressure

     Attributes (61): Noteworthy Height; Low Build; Remarkable Strength; Exceptional Speed; Remarkable Stamina and Fortitude; Good Dexterity and Agility; Typical Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Good Reactions.


     More commonly known as Flying Polyps, originating from Yakshtond. Able to manipulate air currents for offensive and defensive purposes, and most notably to fly, although they do touch down to the surface leaving a five toed radial footprint. Arriving as the second wave of colonization, 750 million years ago, controlling four planets in the solar syste, built massive basalt windowless towers, which ironically later served as their own prisons. When they tried to expand into the oceans, it incited a bitter war with the Elderians which ended in a détente or truce of some sort, permanently driving them from the oceans. 400 million years ago, they got into another territorial conflict with the Yithian refugees, who succeeded in driving them underground and imprisoning many of them in their own basalt towers.

     The actual form of Yaskshtondians is very amorphous, usually do not form usual body shapes with limbs or other appendages or heads, more usually a multitude of eyes and howling orifices resembling mouths.

     Abilities (24): Darkvision, Amorphous, Deflecting Wind, Wind Blast, Partial Invisibility, Fly, Constrict, Dodge, Stealth, Attacks of Opportunity, Critical attack strangle/constrict, Move in Space

     Resist (10): Aging, Acid, Sonic, cold/radiation/vacuum, Pressure

     Knowledge (16): Engineering, Nature, History, Yugguthian Language, Yakshtondian Language, Xothian Language, Elderian Language, Yithian Language

     Vulnerable (-2): Electricity

     Attributes (50): Noteworthy Height; Typical Build; Noteworthy Strength and Speed; Exceptional Stamina albeit Low Fortitude; Typical Dexterity and Agility; Good Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Good Reactions.


     Also referred to as the Great Race of Yith. Fleeing their home system of Yith, the Yithian refugees inserted their consciousnesses into the bodies of 3 meter tall cone shaped crinoids creatures who moved by a single muscular foot and had four extensible armlike tentacles. Two of the arms ended in grasping pincers, another with 4 clustered trumpet type organs used for eating and drinking, and the fourth which resembled a head with eyes and hearing stalks and a multitude of grasping tendrils which they used for feeding and writing. Yithian blood is thick and green.

     YIthian language is composed of clicking and scraping sounds from their pincer claws combined with sounds emitted from their trumpet cluster eating organ. Reproduction was rare as they were extremely long lived and transferred their consciousnesses via some technological means composed of metal poles and glass tubes, to new bodies when the need arose. When they did reproduce, they used some sort of seeds which they planted in the water.

     A major occupation of Yithians was to switch minds with others so they could amass knowledge about their culture, science, and technology as well as information of strategic importance. Yithians also possessed powerful weapons including energy (electrical) projectors which gave them a powerful advantage during the primordial territorial wars. Many Yithian cities were originally the basalt towers they took from the Yakshtondians.

     Yithians appeared to be able to project their consciousnesses into minds in the past and future, and back again. Supposedly, they all transferred their minds into the bodies of some beetle-like creatures in the future.

     Yithian society had countries, civil service, militaries, courts, etc, organized in a post-scarcity socialist structure. Crime and war was rare.

     Abilities (12): Blindsense 360, Fast Healing, Critical Attack Pincers, Great Fortitude, Disable Device, abort dodge

     Resist (8): Aging, Acid, Cold, Fire,

  Knowledge (24): Heal, Engineering, Geography, History, Several Tellestian Linguistics, Sothethery, Arcana, Yugguthian Language, Yakshtondian Language, Xothian Language, Elderian Language, Yithian Language

     Technological (8): Induce Amnesia, Swap minds, Lightning Gun, nearby Telepathy

     Attributes (59): Noteworthy Height; Typical Build; Exceptional Strength and Speed; Remarkable Stamina albeit Weak Fortitude; Low Dexterity and Agility; Good Perception; Exceptional Intelligence, but only Typical Will; Good Reactions.


     Also known as Xotherians, Cthulhi and as Star Spawn of Cthulhu. Originally from the green Xoth star system, they are relative latecomers among the great Sothothic colonizers of Tellestia, 350 Million years ago. Upon their arrival, the Xotherians set up settlements across the planet and promptly went to war with the Elderians, Yithians, and Yakshtondians who already had hundreds of millions of years head start. Eventually some sort of truce or détente was reached. Shortly thereafter, the Dagonians went into the service of the Xotherians and the worship of Great Chulhu, presumably as builders and maybe as architects.

     Between 9 and 13 meters tall, it is easy to understand why the average person might mistake a rank and file Xotherian as Cthulhu himself, but Great Cthulhu is multiples taller. Roughly humanoid body profile, abeit remarkably tall, rubbery skin, and has squidlike tentacle growing out of its face. Unlike Great Cthulhu, not all rank and file Xotherians do possess appendages resembling leathery wings on their back.

     Academic debates continue whether Xotherians are aquatic or if it is merely a coincidence that all of their settlement are presently underwater. Although immune to aging, any tellestial disease, infection, toxin, or poison, and able to tolerate extremes of temperature, the pressure of the ocean depths as well as the vacuum of space, and tremendous amount of radiation, the Xotherian dislike of fire is well documented. Like their lord and master, Great Cthulhu, Xotherians can place themselves into sleep or suspended hibernation if need be for whatever period of time they desire.

     Presumably, the ultimate goal of the Xotherian Colonial presence is to wipe out all other so-called sentient life on Tellestia (Earth) on behalf of their lord and master, Great Cthulhu as its rightful ruler….when the stars are right. Other than dreams of cultist devotees, thru which Great Cthulhu communicates, there are no dialogues with any Xotherians, so mostly this is conjectural based on the dreams of cultist devotees who are not generally considered reliable sources. For the moment, Xotherians seem to be more focused on driving out the Elderians, Yithians, Yugguthians, and Yakshtondians first.

     Abiities (14): Darkvision, Swim, Fly, Critical Constrict, Nearby Telepathy, Project Dreams, Compress Self

     Resist (10): Aging, Cold, Infection/Disease, Poison/Toxin/Drugs, Breathing

     Knowledge (16): Arcana, Geography, Hypergeometry, Yugguthian Language, Yakshtondian Language, Xothian Language, Elderian Language, Yithian Language

     Attributes (95): Outrageous Height; Good Build; Remarkable Strength; Unearthly Speed; Unearthly Stamina but low Fortitude; Typical Dexterity and Agility; Remarkable Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Noteworthy Reactions.


     More often referred to as Mi-Go. Large pinkish wing flying part fungus, part crustacean. 1.5 meters tall with convoluted pyramided ellipsoid ring culminating with a ‘head‘ which appears to be no more than a mass of antennae. The body is covered with 3 pairs of arms plus a pair of membranous batlike wings which do not function well in standard terrestrial gravity and thin atmosphere. Extreme cold put them into a stage of suspended hibernation which they can stay almost indefinitely. They communicate with each other thru changing the shape and color of the antennae on their ‘head’, but are capable of making human type speech.

     Yugguthians possess advanced surgical knowledge, particularly neuroscience. One outstanding Yuguthian technology is the brain cylinder, where a brain can be kept alive indefinitely. Other apparatus can allow the brain in the cylinder to hear, see, and communicate.

     Yugguthians are devotees of Hastur and ally frequently with Byakhee, who serve Hastur. Despite that, the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, who worships Hastur, hunt Yugguthians. After some disenchantment with the Pain God Elder Dieties, Yugguthians no longer worship Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlothotep, or Shub-Niggurath.

     Somehow, wearing human skin disguises and clothing, Mi-Go can pass as humans in low lighting.

     Abilities (8): Blindsight, Critical Claws, Stealth, Move in Space

     Resist (10) Slash, Electricity, Fire, cold/radiation/vacuum, Pressure

  Knowledge (16): Arcana, Geography, Disguise, Yugguthian Language, Yakshtondian Language, Xothian Language, Elderian Language, Yithian Language

     Attributes (50): Low Height, Typical Build, Strength, Speed, and Stamina; Good Dexterity and Agility, Typical Perception, Intelligence, and Will, Good Reactions.


     Mind-controlling legged snake with dorsal spines, supposedly from Andromeda. They have the ability to cloud men’s minds so as to be invisible. They typically transform people physically when they enslave them.

     Abilities (2): Mind Control, Mental Invisibility

     Knowledge (2): Lloigor Language

     Technology (2): Biology transformation

     Attributes (69): Noteworthy Height, Noteworthy Size, Strength, Stamina and Fortitude; Remarkable Speed, Typical Dexterity and Agility, Noteworthy Perception, Exceptional Intelligence, Good Will, Good Reactions.

The Shan

     More commonly known as the Insects from Shaggai, The Shan are from the Shaggai star system. Bird sized sentient insects with ten legs and leather wings. Lidless eyes and three moist mouths. The Shan enslaved the Xiclotlan. Are awed by the sentient lamprey mouthed orchid plant-god Dzewa from the Xiclotlan planet.

     Attributes (95): Weak Height; Remarkable Build; Fantastic Strength, Stamina and Fortitude; Outrageous Speed, Remarkable Dexterity and Agility, Noteworthy Perception, Good Intelligence, Exceptional Will, Exceptional Reactions


     Also known as The Spider God and The Spinner in Darkness. Giant fast moving spider with what appears to be a near human face. Mostly residing in arctic caves and caverns. Ally of Ithaqua.

     Attributes (102): Noteworthy Height, Low Build, Good Strength, Noteworthy Speed, Unearthy Stamina, Exceptional Fortitude, Amazing Dexterity, Remarkable Agility, Outstanding Perception, Noteworthy Intelligence, Fantastic Will, Amazing Reactions.


     Giant sentient centipedes, that have the ability to implant their consciousness into the minds of others, with some technological assistance.

     Abilities (2): Mind Control, Mental Invisibility

     Knowledge (2): Lloigor Language

     Technology (2): Biology transformation



     5 meter tall carnivorous trees, with a crown of six freakishly strong tentacles and a gaping maw full of razor sharp teeth, were taken from their native planet of Xiclotl and enslaved by the Insects of Shaggai as labour. On their native Xiclotl, the Xiclotlans were ruled by Zy'tl Q'ae to whom they made regular sacrifices. The Zy'tl Q'ae are a sessile sentient plantlike species that lures their prey and controls their thralls using their powerfully hypnotic pollen. Said pollen keeps the Xiclotlan in their thrall.

     Abilities (2): Critical Constrict/Strangle

     Resist (4): Fire, Cold

     Knowledge (4): Shaggai Language, Xiclotl Language

     Attributes (63): Noteworthy Height; Typical Build; Noteworthy Strength;Outrageous Speed;Good Stamina and Fortitude;Good Dexterity and Noteworthy Agility;Low Perception, Intelligence and Will; Good Reactions.

Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath

    A surprisingly fast albeit not especially agile, hearty and robust 5-10 meter tall tree with large goatlike hooves, composed of black long thick ropelike grasping tentacles searching for sustenance for its many green goo dripping mouths which smells like an open grave and an open sewer.

     The Dark Young mostly occupy their time accepting sacrifices on behalf of the devotees of the dark mother Shub-Niggurath, usually in woody glens.

     Abilities (16): 360 Darkvision, tremorsense, Critical Constrict/Strangle, Forest Stealth, Critical Sucking Maw, Grapple, Toxic flesh

     Resist (10): Slash, Acid, Fire, Electricity, Poison/Toxins/Drugs, Disease/Infection

     Knowledge (8): Arcana, Nature, Religion, Sothethery

     Attributes (65): Incredible to Outrageous Height; Typical to Remarkable Build; Exceptional Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Remarkable Speed, Typical Dexterity and Agility; Noteworthy Perception, Intelligence, and Will, Noteworthy Reactions.


     5 meters tall, massing a ton, husky black-furred beasts with vertically-opening fanged jaws and giant pink eyes on either side of their head, and their limbs terminate in two paws each. Gugs worship the Kadathian Great Ones and are often employed at formidable sentries in their service or very occasionally on behalf of Nyarlathotep who is protective of the Kadathian Great Ones.

     Abilities (10): Darkvision, Critical Claws, Escapist, Stealth, Climb

     Resist  (4): Disease/Infection, Poison/Toxins/Drugs

     Attributes (73): Incredible Height; Good to Noteworthy Build; Outrageous Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Remarkable Speed, Typical Agility and Dexterity; Typical Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Typical Reactions.

Polymorphic Ooze

     More commonly known as Formless Spawn. Extremely resilient, surprisingly strong, moderately swift, sentient viscous black slime polymorphs that could temporarily take on various shapes for needful constructive or destructive purposes, and could also ooze out a searing acid. Formless Spawn exist to be in service to Tsathaggua.

  Abilities (18): Blindsight 360, Tremorsense, Amorphous, Compress self, Critical Constrict/Strangle, Stealth, Swim, Hide in Plain Sight, Self sealing wounds

     Resist (8): Acid, Aging, Piercing, electricity

     Vulnerable (-2): Fire

    Knowledge (4): Religion, Arcana

     Attributes (235): Exceptional height; As wide and thick as it is tall; Remarkable Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Exceptional Speed; Good Dexterity and Agility; Typical Perception; Intelligence, and Will. Good Reactions.

Hunting Horror

     A highly improbable 10 meters long serpent, with a 10 meter long wingspan, covered in damage resistant rubbery skin, a pair of gnarled twisted appendages with sharp talons, crowned with a strange distorted head with disjointing jaws that can swallow man-sized prey whole, but usually crushes their prey first like a boa constrictor. Their skin secretes large enough quantities of a mucous like substance that is sufficient to hamper mobility on the ground of their prey. Hunting Horrors coordinate attacks as if they share a consciousness. It is unknown the mechanism by which they induce fear and despair in their intended prey even before they are otherwise aware of their presence, it is unclear how they communicate to each other and coordinate. Extreme aversion to daylight or bright lights. Immune to electricity and cold and mind based attacks. They are mostly territorial but occasionally act as advance shock troops in service for Nyarlathotep. Expert trackers, if wounded, they will track the offender down relentlessly for revenge.

    Abilities (24): Scent, Darkvision, Entangling Mucous, Constrict, Critical Claws, Critical Tail Barb Reach, Telepathic Assault, Dodge, Snatch, Stealth, Shared consciousness, Self sealing wounds

     Resist (4): Cold, Electricity,

     Knowledge (6): Sothothery, HyperGeometry, Geography

     Abilities (62): Noteworthy Height; Typical Build (sometimes Low); Noteworthy Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Noteworthy Speed; Good Dexterity and Agility; Noteworthy Perception, Typical Intelligence, Remarkable Will; Noteworthy Reactions.


     Tall, heavily built, strong, coarse white fur, four arms, territorial possibly cannibalistic arctic dwellers. Known to worship Rhan-Tegoth, but also acting in service of Ithaqua, Zhar and Lloigor (the godlike entity, not the species). They hunt and are hunted by Voormis.

     Abilities (16): Darkvision, Snow Vision, Critical Claws, Lightning Reflexes, Stealth Arctic, Spider Climb Ice, Iron Will, Create Cold

     Resist (2): Cold

     Vulnerable (-4) Heat, Vulnerable Fire

     Attributes (63): Good Height, Build, Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Noteworthy Speed; Good Dexterity and Agility; Noteworthy Perception, Typical Intelligence, Remarkable Will, Noteworthy Reactions.


     Able to survive the radiated cold vacuum of space, travelling by some unknown means, presumably their 'hune'. 2-3 meters tall with 6-9 meter wingspan, combination of reptile, insect, and bat. It is unclear how they fly, but their 9 meter wingspan batlike wings seems insufficient by aerodynamic means alone. They usually appear to hunt and feed, they are voracious carnivores. Servitors of Hastur.

     Abilities (18): Darkvision, Blood Drain, Improved Initiative, Stealth, Move in Space, low metabolism, Blood Frenzy, Shriek Attack, Critical Claws, Flight

     Resist (14):  Sonic, Mental Attacks, Critical Hits, Hunger, Thirst, cold/radiation/vacuum, Breathing

     Knowledge (4): Geography, Carcosan Languages

     Attributes (53): Good height; Typical Build; Good Strength, Speed, Stamina, Fortitude, Dexterity, and Agility; Typical Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Good Reactions. 

Rat Thing

     Larger than regular rats, possessing a human type face, and near sentient, able to follow orders and speak. A servant of a witch who worships Nyarlothotep.

     Knowledge (2): Native Language

     Attributes (106): Weak height, but Remarkable Build, Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Exceptional Speed, Noteworthy Dexterity and Agility; Low Perception and Will but Typical Intelligence; Good Reactions.


     Elephant sized batwinged featherless scaled birds with serpentine neck and a horselike beaked head. They work in service of Nyarlothotep and are hunted by Nightgaunts. Ithaqua also uses cold adapted Shantak as servitors.

     Abilities (14): Darkvision, Slippery, Hover, Escapist, move in space, Share no breath/Resist cold/radiation/vacuum, Fly

     Resist (6): Cold, Disease/Infection, breathing

     Attributes (45): Good Height, Remarkable Build, Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Good Speed, but low Dexterity and Agility; Low Perception, Poor Intelligence, Typical Will; Typical Reactions.

Glaaki Servitors

     Appear like whatever creature was originally, but granted eternal life as the meat-puppet of Gla’aki. Usually a metallic looking spine where Glaaki infected them is found. Many live out their natural lifespan, youthfully, then become more noticeably mind-controlled undead zombies.

     Resist (20): Aging, Death, cold, heat, breathing, hunger, thirst, critical, disease/infection, poison/toxin/drugs

     Knowledge (2): Native Language

     Attributes (35): Typical except Dexterity, Agility, and Will are Poor; Low Reactions.

Outer God Servitors

     Also known as idiot flute players. Semi-amorphous beings that shift between appearing like squid, frogs, and octopi, who play drums and flutes to summon eldridge creatures.

    Attributes (48): Typical except for Good Stamina, Fortitude, Dexterity, Agility, Perception, and Reactions.

Deep Ones

     Sometimes referred to as Dagonians, and rarely as Nommos. Ocean Dwelling species who utilize humans for their reproduction.  They seem to have a generous supply of gold and precious stones and seafood. Roughly humanoid shaped with fish and amphibian features. Ridged dorsal spine, webbed fingers and toes, gill slits on their neck and torso. Fishlike heads with unblinking eyes. They hop and hobble on land, occasionally loping on all fours.

    Deep One hybrids live as humans until sometimes between the ages of 20 and 40, then they start to transform into their fully aquatic form. Once fully transformed, they do not age and are very resilient to damage.

     Deep Ones maintain breeding villages, usually remote seaside villages, that they protect and supply with wealth and food in exchange for being their breeding stock.

     Deep Ones worship Dagon, but also Great Cthulhu, and have been in its service for millions of years, mostly as builders and architects.

     Deep Ones grow their entire lives, and the most ancient Deep Ones are gigantic creatures measuring up to 20 meters long.

     Abilities (16): Darkvision, Critical Claws, Critical Bite, Lightning Reflexes, Slealth, Swim, Amphbious (saltwater only), Devout Will

     Resist (12) Cold, Disease/Infection, Acid, Pressure, Electricity, Aging

     Knowledge (12): Geography, Arcana, Religion, Sothothery, Hypergeometry, Dagonian Language

     Vulnerabilities (-4): Clumsy on Land, Dehydration

     Attributes (48): Typical Height, Noteworthy Build, Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Typical Speed, Dexterity, and Agility; Typical Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Typical Reactions.

Sand Dweller

     Rough skin which looks encrusted with sand, bug-eyed, oversized ears, emaciated build, shambling gait, communal culture, cave dwelling humanoids, they might merely be deformed humans. They serve whatever Great Old One that tells them what to do.

     Attributes (44): Typical


     Sometimes called Serpent People and Snake People. Roughly humanoid, but with a long thick snakelike head and neck and a very long thick trailing snakelike tail and a prominent ridge on their back. Millions of years ago, they had a thriving culture of science and sorcery, but were hunted to near extinction. They serve unquestioningly the will of Yig.

     Abilities (18): Darkvision, Scent, Tremorsense, Disguise, Contortionist, Escapist, Acrobatics, Proximity Telepathy, Critical Bite

     Resist (6): Mental Attacks, Paralysis, Poison/Toxins/Drugs

     Attributes (47): Typical Height, Build, Strength, Speed, Stamina, Fortitude, Dexterity, and Agility; Good Perception, Intellligence, and Will; Good Reactions.


     Better known as Fire Vampires, originally from the Blue Comet Ktynga, appear as bright crimson electrical discharges and draw heat and electrical energies from their victims upon contact, causing the victims to burst into a painful fiery death. Somehow during this burning phase, the Fire Vampire can absorb some of their memories, presumably limited to what people are thinking while dying an excruciatingly painful death or whatever it is they prioritize in their near death experience. The Ktyngans can somehow share these memories with their fellow Ktyngans when in proximity. Ktnygans serve Fthaggua, who is like the other Ktyngans except is blue instead of red. Fthaggua gets a share of all the energy taken by the Ktyngans, and shares all of the memories.

     Abilities (22): Darkvision 360, Compress self, Critical Burn, Special Telepathy, Dodge, Fly, Hover, Stealth, no breath (but needs air to burn), create firemotes, vampiric fire.

     Resist (10): Flatfoot, Bludgeoning, Disease/Infection, Acid, Electricity

     Vulnerable (-4): Water, Cold

     Knowledge (4): Arcana, Ktynga Language

     Attributes (54): Weak Height, Remakable Build, Typical Strength and Stamina, Unearthly Fortitude; Good Speed, Dexterity, and Agility; Typical Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Good Reactions.


     Self-shaping foul smelling amorphous gelatinous protoplasm mass like a large surprisingly fast amoeba, who for most of the past billion years have served the Elderians via mind control. Able to forms its protoplasm into any useful limb or organ or even delicious edible flesh as needed , and can even secrete inorganic building materials, even used as labour and beasts of burden by the Elderians. The Shoggoth default state is a 50 tons mass of eyes, gaping mouths, and pseudo pods.

     Eventually, after hundreds of millions of years of servitude, the Shoggoths evolved sentience and revolted against their Elderian slave masters. Shoggoths now mostly live in remote isolated shoggoth-only locales mostly in the Antarctic and deep undersea.

     Deep Ones (Dagonians) appear to have some cooperative ventures with the deep undersea Shoggoths.

     Yugguthian Mi-Go have genetically engineer a more compliant easier to mind control version of Shoggoths. Hybrids of free range and Yugguthian Shoggoths are known as Ghol-Things.

     Abilities (32): Darkvision 360, Scent, Tremorsense, Regeneration, Amorphous, Compress Self, Amphibious, Critical Constrict, Trample, Acid Attack, Swim, Disguise, Climb, Lightning Reflexes, Consume, Panic/Horror/Madness Inducing Shriek.

     Resist (18): Blindness, Disease/Infection, Deafness, Cold, Pressure, Acid, Electricity, Fire, Sonic

     Knowledge (4): Arcana, Elderian Language

     Attributes (233): Remarable Height; Noteworthy Build and Strength; Typical Speed, Dexterity and Agility; Remarkable Stamina and Fortitude; Low Perception, Typical Intelligence and Will; Low Reactions.


     Also known as the Hidden Devourer, The Lurker in the Desert, and The Ravenous. Lives in service of Yidhra, acts as an agent of natural selection to weed out the unfit and unworthy.


     Giant Vulterine Great Winged Y’hath in the sky, a horror in service of Yidhra, acts as an agent of natural selection to weed out the unfit and unworthy.


     Unnatural hybrid creatures used as mounts and beasts of burden by the Tsath, worshipers of Tsathaggua.


     Neolithic and Paleolithic hairy cave-dwelling devotees of Tsathaggua. Large red furred, sharp toothed with a large mouth and claws. Three toes on each foot. Communicate with each other with doglike howls and yelps. Bearing some casual resemblance to yeti and bigfoot.

     Attributes (44): Typical


     Also occasionally known as Tchortcha. Short cannibalistic bright red skinned humans who kill and eat anyone that comes into their perceived territory. They are considered one of the best cooks of human flesh. There is debate whether they naturally evolved or were created by Miri Nigri or by the Twin Obscenties Zhar and Lloigor. The Tcho-Tcho worship a variety of beings, notably Chaugnar Faugn, Rhan-Tegoth, and Hastur.

     Abilities (8): Dodge, Climb, Stealth, Survival

     Resist (2): Mental Attacks

     Knowledge (8): Nature, Craft Poisons/Toxins/Drugs, Craft Weapons, Native Language

     Attributes (44): Typical


     Humanoid shaped mute dwarf amphibious servitors of Chaugnar Faugn, created from toads. Theorized to be the ancestors of the Tcho-Tcho. A frequent activity is to scour the neighboring areas for people whose blood their lord and master, Chaugnar Faugn, can feed upon, so as to gain its favour.

     Attributes (43): Low Height, Typical in all other attributes.


    Man-sized anthropoid toadlike Nagäae, sertitors and protectors of Cyagha.

     Abilities (10): Light Scaly Armour, Low Light Vision, Serpent Affinity, Hypnotic Gaze, Spit Venom

     Resist (2): Poison/Toxins/Drugs,

     Knowledge (6): Animal Handler, Craft Poison/Toxins/Drugs, Native Language

     Attributes (44): Typical

Other Creatures

Spiders of Leng

Pony to elephant-sized venomous web-spinning occasionally cannibalistic sentient purple spiders. Mostly content to simply guard their territory and live off feeding on unsuspecting visitors. Capturing creatures in webs was reserved when they needed a host to implant their eggs who would hatch inside the victim and provide sustenance to the newborns as they ate their way out.

     Abilities (2): Arcane Sight, Darkvision, Tremorsense, Fast Healing, Critical Bite, Improved Initiative, Climb, Acrobatics, Poison Bite, Spit Acid, Entangling Web

     Resist (10): Flatfoot, Cold, Perception Attacks, Poison/Toxins/Drugs, Sonic

     Knowledge (4): Craft Traps/Snares, Native Language

     Attributes (63): Noteworthy Height; Typical Build, Noteworthy Strength; Outrageous Speed; Exceptional Stamina but only Typical Fortitude; Good Dexterity and Agility; Good Perception and Will, but typical Intelligence, Noteworthy overall Reactions.


    Also known as Shudde M’el, Bholes and Cthonians. Giant 30-90 meter long water-averse nocturnal burrowing squids with a long thick segmented wormlike body, covered with a thick viscous goo which they can vomit as an attack. It is unknown what sort of chanting attracts them to the surface, but otherwise they only surface to feed.

     Abilities (16): Spray Acid, Blindsense, tremorsense, Critical Constrict, Swallow Whole, Trample, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes

     Resist (18):Flatfoot, Acid, Fire, Cold, Pressure, Paralysis, Poison/Toxins/Drugs, Sight based attacks, Sleep Attacks

     Attributes (208): 30-60 meters long with an Unearthly Build, Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Noteworthy Speed, Low Dexterity and Agility, Exceptional (and surprisingly high) Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Noteworthy Reactions.


     Noxious smelling, large, strong, eyeless, pale squat toadlike creatures with a face full of tendrils at the end of their snout. Moonbeasts are slavers who trade in gold and slaves, who pay with rubies mined with slave labour. Moonbeast communicate with each other and their slaves using flute like instruments. They typically employ Leng-men as go betweens. Leng-men appear human if they disguise their remarkably hairy bodies and hooves and curb their uncouth habits.

     Abilities (22): Induce Nausea (smell), Darkvision, Blindsight, Amorphous, Compress Self, Critical Tentacles Rend/Constrict, Tentacle Will Drain, Dodge, Vicinity Telepathy, stealth, Panic Inducing Gaze

     Resist (18): Pierce, Slashing, Cold, Sight Based Attacks, Mental Attacks, Illusions, Poison/Toxins/Drugs, Electricity, Breathing

     Knowledge (6): Arcana, Hypergeometry, Sothothery

     Attributes (48): Good Height, Build, Strength, Stamina and Fortitude; Typical Speed, Dexterity and Agility; Typical Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Good Reactions.

Tindalos Hound

     Predatory masters of stealth. Unseen, cloaked in smoke, preference for angles, avoid curves. They feed using a long probiscis, and leave silently. They occasionally leave behind a bluish puslike substance.

     Abilities (8): Darkvision, Improved Initiative, Stealth, Survival

     Resist (6): Flatfooted, Mental Attacks, Poison/Toxin/Drugs,

     Knowledge (6): Arcana, Geography, Hypergeometry

     Attributes (64): Typical Height and Strength; Noteworthy Build, Stamina and Fortitude; Typical Speed, Dexterity, and Agility; Exceptional Perception, Intelligence and Outstanding Will; Noteworthy Reactions.


     Short crouching apelike creatures with tight mummy-like skin, with a semi-canine head with crooked stained fangs. Recessed eyes that appear as mere yellow slits. Overly long muscular arms with large sharp claws. Avid hunters, second only to Tindalos Hounds in stealth.

     Abilities (18): Darkvision, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Stealth, Regeneration, Grappling Critical, Dodge, Prevent Dodge, Critical Claws

     Resist (2): Mental Attacks

     Knowledge (4): Hypergeometry, Arcana

     Attributes (42): Typical height, Strength, Speed, Stamina, Fortitude, Dexterity and Agility; Low Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Typical Reactions.


     Misshapen eaters of the dead, covered in oozing scabs, hop about, hunt in packs. Ghasts exude the stench of death and spread disease.

     Abilities (26): Induce Nausea (smell), Darkvision, Paralysis Attack (Claw), Critical Bite, Climb, Acrobatics, Stealth, Swim, Induce Ghoulism (Death by Bite), Undead Affinity, Escapist, Stealthy, Susceptible to Sunlight

     Resist (6) Paralysis, Disease/Infection, Critical

     Knowledge (2): Native Language

     Attributes (48): Typical Height, Build, Stamina, and Fortitude; Low Speed, but somehow Good Dexterity and Agility; Typical Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Good Reactions.


     Faceless dark whaleskinned mostly nocturnal stooped emaciated flying humanoids, curved horns, sharp talons, and large 6 meter wingspan batlike wings and barbed tail. They hunt Shantak for food. Nightgaunts utter no sounds, and prefer not to fly over water. Although they appear to have no eyes, they seem to be able to see in all directions at once. Nightgaunts do the bidding of Yibb-Tstll. Carnivore obligates, they enjoy the neurochemicals of their prey that died in fear and terror.

     Abilities (14): Blindsight 360, Dodge, Critical Claws, Critical barbed tail, Critical Grapple, Stealth, Grapple

     Resist (10) Flatfooted, Cold, Sight Based Attacks, Mental Attacks, inhales based attacks

     Attributes (48): Typical Height, Stamina and Fortitude, but noteworthy Strength, Low Speed, Dexterity, and Agility, Typical Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Typical Reactions.


     Deformed eaters of the dead, forward slumping deformed enough to hide their human origins, and maddened by the disease/infection that made them ghouls. Ghouls smell like death and sewers and spread disease by fang and claw. Unlike Ghast, they are solitary by nature.

     Abilities (16): Induce Nausea (smell), Darkvision, Induce Paralysis (Claws), Induce Ghoulism (Bite), Climb, Stealth, Swim, Acrobatics

     Immune (2): Undead Attacks,

     Knowledge (2): Native Language

     Attributes (48): Typical Height and Build, but Good Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Typical Speed; Typical Agility and Dexterity; Typical Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Typical Reactions.

Star Shamblers

     More commonly known as Star Vampires. Normally invisible blood drinkers, but appear like bloated red with pinkish hues muscular jellyfish after they have fed. No obvious features except for its large mouth where one would expect an anus to be. Star Shamblers emit a near constant laughing sound. Star Shamblers can extract blood using their mouth or suckers at the ends of their tentacles.

     Abilities (34): Blindsight 360, See Invisible, Darkvision, Scent Blood, Amorphous, Compress Self, Partial Invisibility (when unfed), Critical Claws, Blood Drain Tentacles, Flight, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Stealth, Induce Nausea (grapple), Fly, Hover, Digest Blood to Heal Self, Ventriloquist Misdirection (Tittering Sound)

     Resist (14): Slash, Cold, Disease/Infection, Poison/Toxin/Drugs, Sonic, Breathing, Critical

     Attributes (46): Good Height, Build, Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Low Speed, Dexterity, and Agility; Typical Perception, Intelligence, and Will, Typical Reactions.

Colour Out Of Space

     Supposedly intangible invisible bundle of force, visible only as many coloured wisps. The Colour poisons the soil, water supply, and all life in a wide radius from where it dwells, at the very least discolouring it until transforming them into grey and brittle and ultimately lifeless and inedible. Before the decay stages, plants grew even in the absence of sunlight, flowers glowed in the dark, and trees swayed even when there was no wind.

     Abilities (26): Blindsense, Amorphous, Intangible, Compress Self, Disintegrating Touch, Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, Induce Ennui/Listlessness Proximity, Fly, Swim, Stealth, Drain Health

     Immune (18): Acid, Fire, Fire, Mind Effects, Sonics, Poison/Toxin/Drugs,

     Susceptible (-2): Force Attacks,

     Knowledge (6): Geography, Nature, HyperGeometry

     Attributes (45): Weak Height (but hardly matters) but with an exceptional Build (which also hardly matters); Pathetic Strength and Speed, Low Stamina but Good Fortitude; Good Dexterity and Agility; Good Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Good Reactions.


     Firstborn of Cthulhu. Gigantic, tentacled mouthed proboscidian, octopus-eyed, semi-amorphous, plastic, both scaled and wrinkled. Can convert people into immobilized a thinking mummy. Unable to move in anyway, but still dimly aware of its surroundings and still thinking. Eventually, the body transforms into a leathery material, and while substantially slower, the brain still functions.

     Attributes (71): Amazing Height, Exceptional Build, Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Typical Speed, Dexterity, and Agility; Incredible Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Remarkable Reactions.


     Also known as Father Dagon, particularly among the Deep Ones/Dagonians. Possibly thousands of years old, perhaps tens of thousands. Absolute ruler of the Deep Ones, who worship Dagon like a deity. 15 meters tall, large scaled ridge down his back, a combination of frog and fish, webbed fingers and toes, fangs and talons. Mated with Mother Hydra, who is also worshipped as a deity by the Deep Ones.

     Abilities (30): Amphibious, Darkvision, Regeneration, Vulnerable Fire, Affinity Ocean Creatures, Swallow Whole, Emit Poison (skin contact), Critical Constrict, Critical Claws, Critical Bite, Acrobatics, Stealth, Swim, Compress Self, Breath Weapon (Obscures Vision)

Resist (18): Ability Drain, Mental Attacks, Cold, Pressure, Aging, Electricity, Acid, Paralysis/Petrification, Poison/Toxin/Drugs

     Knowledge (10): Arcana, Geography, History, Nature, Hypergeometry

     Attributes (60): Amazing Height, Noteworthy Build; Typical Speed (Low on land); Incredible Stamina; Noteworthy Fortitude; Weak Dexterity and Agility; Noteworthy Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Typical Reactions.

Mother Hydra

     15 meters tall, large scaled ridge down his back, a combination of frog and fish, webbed fingers and toes, fangs and talons. Possibly thousands of years old, perhaps tens of thousands. Mated with Father Dagon. Worshipped as a deity by the Deep Ones as the literal mother of the entire species.

     Abilities (30): Amphibious, Darkvision, Regeneration, Vulnerable Fire, Affinity Ocean Creatures, Swallow Whole, Emit Poison (skin contact), Critical Constrict, Critical Claws, Critical Bite, Acrobatics, Stealth, Swim, Compress Self, Breath Weapon (Obscures Vision)

Resist (18): Ability Drain, Mental Attacks, Cold, Pressure, Aging, Electricity, Acid, Paralysis/Petrification, Poison/Toxin/Drugs

     Knowledge (10): Arcana, Geography, History, Nature, Hypergeometry

     Attributes (60): Amazing Height, Noteworthy Build; Typical Speed (Low on land); Incredible Stamina; Noteworthy Fortitude; Weak Dexterity and Agility; Noteworthy Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Typical Reactions.


     Resides underwater in deep lakes, using long prehensile eye stalks to look above the water when it is so inclined. Appears like a giant spined slug with three eyes and thousands of teeth. Its many quills inject a poison which places the victim in its eternal thrall. Most of the time, the victim goes about is life not realizing what has happened. They live with great vitality, but are occasionally summoned telepathically and thru dreams to do the will of Gla’aki. Eventually after 20 to 40 years, or if killed, they transform into eternally 'living' mindless zombies who are the meat-puppets of Gla’aki.

     Attributes (151): Exceptional Height; Half as wide and thick as it is tall; Weak Strength (fortunately it is aquatic), Low Speed; Exceptional Stamina but weak Fortitude; Typical Dexterity and Agility; Fantastic Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Remarkable Reactions.

Cosmic Entities


     Also known as The Blind Idiot God, Nuclear Chaos, Daemon Sultan, Abyssal Idiot, Lord of All, Him in the Gulf, The Deep Dark, The Cold One, Sleeping Chaos, Supreme Lord and Creator of All Things, Blind Dreamer, King-of-All, Achamoth, and Vach-Viraj.

     Many many theories about Azathoth (a hideous name). One is that it is a sentient black hole at the center of the galaxy, another is an even more massive sentient black hole somewhere in the universe. Yet another is that the universe only exists within the dreams of Azathoth and if he wakes up, we all disappear from existence. Yet another is that Azathoth is the consciousness leftover from a previous universe imprinted upon the cosmic background microwave radiation.

     There are countless accounts of physical incarnations of Azathoth when people summon it for whatever purpose, but it is not Azathoth, merely a projection, maybe from the minds of the devotees, but lacking the true cosmic scale power of Azathoth.

     Attributes (430): 250 feet diameter; Amazing Strength (fortunately it lives in 0-G), Stamina, and Fortitude; Zero Speed, Dexterity, and Agility (sessile and immobile); Beyond Unearthly Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Amazing Reactions.


     Also known as The Nameless Mist, Milk of the Void, Nyog'Sothep, N'yog-Sothep and Magnum Innominandum. The sentience of an entire other universe, which is contracting and the arrow of time is opposite to ours. (This does not mean that time moves backwards). Spawn of Azathoth, parent of Yog-Sothoth.

     Attributes (430): 250 feet diameter; Amazing Strength (fortunately it lives in 0-G), Stamina, and Fortitude; Zero Speed, Dexterity, and Agility (sessile and immobile); Beyond Unearthly Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Amazing Reactions.


     Also known as The Lurker at the Threshold, The Key and the Gate, The Beyond One, Opener of the Way, The All-in-One, The One-in-All, Yogge-Sothothe, Yok-Zothoth, Yog-Sototl, Iog-Sotôt, and Yogsoggoth. Yog-Sothoth is one with the consciousness of this universe but also communes with the remnant of the previous incarnation of this universe.

     When manifested for communications, it is usually as a mass or glowing multicoloured orbs.

     Yog-Sothoth is often called upon to reveal secrets. Yog-Sothoth is the gate and the key to all knowledge, as close to omniscience as anything can get.

     Attributes: (186): Stupendous Height; Outrageous Build, Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Beyond Unearthly Speed; Typical Dexterity, but Beyond Unearthly Agility; Beyond Unearthly Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Beyond Unearthly Reactions.


     Also known as The Black Goat with a Thousand Young, All-Mother, Mother Goddess, Lord of the Woods, The Mighty Mother, and Shupnikkurat.

     Primordial creator of life. An enormous mass which extrudes black tentacles, slime dripping mouths and is mounted atop two short stocky goatlike legs. Smaller creatures continually emerge from the mass and are either reabsorbed or escape to leave independent lives.

     Possibly the most widely worshiped deity in the universe. Countless progeny, by spontaneous a-sexual fission and budding, but also incorporating sexual reproduction by other entities.

     Attributes (123): Xtraordinary Height; Remarkable Build and Strength; Noteworthy Speed; Monstrous Stamina and Outrageous Fortitude; Fantastic Dexterity and Outstanding Agility; Unearthly Perception, Outstanding Intelligence, Unearthly Will; Unearthly Reactions.


     Also known as The Crawling Chaos, Ahtu, The God of a Thousand Forms, The Black Man, The Black Pharaoh, The Black Whore, The Black Wind, The Bloated Woman, The Crawling Mist, The Dark Demon, The Black Demon, The Dark One, The Dweller in Darkness, The Faceless God, The Floating Horror, The Haunter of the Dark, Face Eater, Father of All Bats, Dark Wing, Sand Bat, Fly-The-Light, The Howler in the Dark, The God of the Bloody Tongue, or the Bloody Tongue, L'rog'g (also Lrogg), Mr. Tiddles, The Bat God of L'gy'hx, Mr. Skin, Randall Flagg, Gardner Bose, Mr. Blackman, Sauron, Shugoran, Thing in the Yellow Mask, The White Man, The Skinless One, The Masked Messenger, The Moon Presence, Prince of Darkest Dark, God of the Desert, Master of Evil, Stalker Among the Stars, Blind, Faceless One, Mighty Messenger, Father of the Million Favored Ones, Howler in the Night, and Ng'yehaer'llw'aetaght'litagehph'

     Innumerable separate incarnations, manipulative and deceptive, spreading madness and misinformation throughout the sentient universe. Although capable of vast physical powers, Nyarlathotep prefers to create cults so that cultures destroy themselves thru their own compulsive willful ignorance.

     Attributes (184): Xtraordinary Height; Good Build; Amazing Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Exceptional Speed, Remarkable Dexterity and Agility, Unearthly Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Unearthly Reactions.

Primordial Terraformers


     Also known as The Living Flame, the Burning One, and Kathiga-Ra. A giant bubbling pyrokinetic mass of balls of fire with streaming tendrils with mottled darker splotches resembling sunspots. Originally supposedly from Formalhaut. Present during the pre-life hadean epoch of terrestrial planets. The Fire-Vampires, Fthaggua and Aphoom-Zhah are theorized to be its progeny.

     Abilities (34): Blindsight 360, See Invisible, Darkvision, Scent Blood, Amorphous, Compress Self, Partial Invisibility (when unfed), Critical Claws, Blood Drain Tentacles, Flight, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Stealth, Induce Nausea (grapple), Fly, Hover, Digest Blood to Heal Self, Ventriloquist Misdirection (Tittering Sound).

     Resist (14): Slash, Cold, Disease/Infection, Poison/Toxin/Drugs, Sonic, Breathing, Critical

     Attributes (89): Amazing Height; Typical Strength and Fortitude but Outstanding Stamina; Zero Speed (sessile); Outstanding Dexterity and Good Agility; Monstrous Perception; Fantastic Intelligence; Unearthly Will; Fantastic Reactions.


     Also known as the Unbegotten Source and the Demiurge. One of the ancient outer gods. A gigantic mass of protoplasm from which all primordial life sprung. There is a seriously considered theory that the Elderians somehow constructed the Shoggoths from some part of Ubbo-Sathla, rather than engineering them from scratch.

     Attributes (765): 500 foot diameter; Noteworthy Strength, Speed, and Fortitude; Amazing Stamina; Amazing Dexterity and Remarkable Agility; Monstrous Perception, but somehow Zero Intelligence, Beyond Unearthly Will; Xtraordinary Reactions.


     Also known as the Source of Uncleanliness. A gigantic oozing gelatinous swelling and quivering pool of grey goo from which multitudes of misshapen and malformed impulse driven creatures spring.

     Some of the forms are simple amoeboid masses, or just quivering body parts, some are fully formed complex multicellular creatures. Abhoth’s tentacles try to draw them back in to be reabsorbed, and anyone else that might venture too close or lacking in agility and alacrity.

     There is an academic debated theory that Abhoth is a late stage malfunctioning Ubbo-Sathla.

     Attributes (765): 500 foot diameter; Noteworthy Strength, Speed, and Fortitude; Amazing Stamina; Amazing Dexterity and Remarkable Agility; Monstrous Perception, but somehow Zero Intelligence, Beyond Unearthly Will; Xtraordinary Reactions.


     Worshipped as the beautiful and terrible earth mother. Yidhra absorbs other lifeforms and borrows from them to improve herself and her creations in an unceasing cycle of rebirths of new avatars to represent her will and whim, producing an endless stream of new and improved monstrous creatures to do her bidding or merely to serve as experiments to live and die at the merciless hands of natural selection red in tooth and claw. Served by Xothra and Y’hath and the human cult of "The Children of Yidhra". Occasional mate of Yig.


     Also known as the Zhothaqquah and as the Sleeper of N’kai. Giant squat pot-bellied furry batwinged toad from Xoth. No doubt the laziest great old one. Tsathoggua does not even feed itself. To be consumed by Tsathoggua, you get to enjoy a few brief moments communing with the mind of the eons old Tsathoggua, then to be excreted out as the polymorphic formless spawn to eternally carry out his will. Devotees live to be worthy of the experience, enemies are punished by the same process, one size fits all one stop shopping. Eternal life without benefit personal agency.

     Abilities (28): Darkvision, Swim, Critical Tongue Constrict and Acid, Critical Acid Skin, Induce Panic (Croak), Swallow Whole, Blindfight, Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Induce Nausea (stench), Swim, Proximity Telepathy, Amphibious, Belch Darkness

     Resist (10): Acid, Electricity, Poison/Toxins/Drugs, Cold, Fire

     Knowledge (8): Arcana, History, HyperGeometry, Religion

     Attributes (172): 40 feet tall, Exceptional Build, Xtraordinary Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Amazing Speed, Dexterity, and Agility; Xtraordinary Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Xtraordinary Reactions.

Chaugnar Faugn

     Also known as the Feeder, because of his fondness of drinking blood. Appears like a grotesque mockery of a macabre bipedal elephant. Despite its squat body form and great size and girth, Chaugnar Faugn moves surprisingly fast. Creator of the amphibious Miri-Nigri and possibly all amphibious life in primordial antiquity.

     Attributes (155): Exceptional Height, Remarkable Build, Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Unearthly Speed, Dexterity, and Agility; Fantastic Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Stupendous Reactions.


     The father of serpents. Appears like a semi-anthropomorphic snake. Occasional mate of Yidhra to produce the latest incarnation of reptiles. Protective of his countless reptilian progeny, favouring snakes above all. Able to convert people into snakes or other reptiles. His favoured daughter, borne from Yidhra, is a giant tentacle serpent.

     Abilities (34): Dark Vision, Scent, Fast Healing, Climb, Swim, Inject Poison (Bite), Critical Tailbarb, Critical Constrict, Critical Claws, Improved Initiative, Acrobatics, Climb, Swim, Heal Self, Stealth, Survival, Reptile Affinity, Telepathy Vicinity

     Resist (22) Aging, Death, Ability Drain/Damage, Cold, Disease/Infection, Energy Drain, Mental Effects, Petrify/Paralyze, Poison/Toxins/Drugs, Acid, Fire

     Knowledge (6): Nature, Religion, Sothothery

     Attributes (155): Fantastic Height, Low Build, but Unearthly Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Remarkable Dexterity and Agility; Amazing Perception, Remarkable Intelligence, and Fantastic Will; Outstanding Reactions.


     Five meter tall ampbhibious three eyed medusa like insect with six limbs ending in giant pincers. Its head is covered with tendril like feelers and a prehensile feeding proboscis. It periods of inactivity, it enters into a state of hibernation and petrification.

     Abilities (30): Darkvision, Tremorsense, Critical Bite, Critical Claws, Health Drain (Grapple), Critical Constrict, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Telepathy Vicinity, Compression, Hibernation, Amphibious, Stealth, Swim, Induce Paralysis (bite, constrict)

     Resist (18): Aging, Death, Mental Attacks, Ability Damage/Drain, Cold, Disease/Infection, Paralyze/Petrify, Poison/Toxins/Drugs, Fire, Sonic

     Knowledge (6): Arcana, Geography, History, Nature, Religion, Sothothery

     Attributes (99): Incredible Height, Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Typical Speed; Good Agility and Dexterity; Amazing Perception; Noteworthy Intelligence; Spectacular Will; Remarkable Reactions.


     Also known as the Ithaka, The Wind-Walker, Wendigo, Yeti, God of the Cold, The White Silence, and Death-Walker. Offspring of Shub-Niggurath and Hastur. A grotesque misshapen giant with bright red eyes who stalks the arctic wastelands. Somehow using cold and wind as weapons. 1 million years ago, Ice Ages were brought about by the combined power of the Ithaqua and the Aphoom Zhah, a final assault against the remaining Elderians, Xothians, Yithians, and Yuggothian Polyps.

     Attributes (215): 50 feet tall; Typical Build, but Unearthly Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Unearthly Speed, Remarkable Agility; Fantastic Agility; Outstanding Perception; Typical Intelligence, Stupendous Will; Amazing Reactions.

Aphoom Zhah

     Also known as the Cold Flame. Supposedly originally from Fomalhaut, spawned by Cthuga. A grayish flame that gives off no heat. 1 million years ago, Ice Ages were brought about by the combined power of the Ithaqua and the Aphoom Zhah, a final assault against the remaining Elderians, Xothians, Yithians, and Yuggothian Polyps. No known human cult of followers, but revered by the Gnoph-key and Voormi.

Interstellar Overlords


     Also known as The King in Yellow, Lord Hastur, The Unspeakable One, H'aaztre, Him Who Is Not to be Named, Kaiwan, Assatur, Sadagowah, The Feaster from Afar, The Lord of Interstellar Spaces, The Peacock King, Zukala-Koth, Johannes Van Der Berg, Hastur the Unspeakable, The Unspeakable, and Fenric. Probably more aliases I don’t know about.

     Hastur is widely regarded as a Great Old One, spawn of Yog-Sothoth, and half-brother of Great Cthulhu. Accounts vary.

     Hastur has many different groups devoted to it. A long time ago, Hastur was a deity worshipped by shepherds. Hastur was the main deity of the late Carcosa and the Darkover civilization, and others. The Carcosa Foundation is a coterie that worships Hastur. The Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, attempts to hunt down Yugguthian Mi-Go to show their devotion for Hastur, although the Yugguthian Mi-Go are themselves devotees of Hastur. The Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign and the Byakhee drove the Yugguthian Mi-Go out of Carcosa and Aldebaran and apparently are not done with them yet.

     The Carcosan Yellow Sign and the King in Yellow seems to be spreading insanity thru the susceptible members of the artistic communities.

     Hastur is supposedly the father of the Ithaqua.

     Hastur appears in many different forms. The most prominent ones is an amorphous tentacle mass. Another frequent incarnation is The Feaster from Afar, a black, shriveled, flying monstrosity with tentacles tipped with razor-sharp talons that can pierce a victim's skull and siphon out the brain. The best known incarnation is the King in Yellow, a tattered looking bright yellow skinned king wearing a pallid mask bearing generous helpings of mind control bringing people to damnation, despair and madness.

     Abilities (16): Darkvision, Dodge, Feint, Acrobatics, Disguise, Stealth, Telepathy Proximity, Induce Dreams

     Resist (22): Aging, Death, Ability Damage/Drain, Cold, Disease/Infection, Mental Attacks, Health Drain, Sonic Attacks, Paralyze/Petrify, Acid, Fire, Electricity

     Knowledge (10): Arcana, Sothothery, Geography, Hypergeometry, History

     Technology (2): Tattered Lash (Area affect critical attack)

     Attributes: Outrageous Height, Typical Build; Outrageous Strength, Stamina, Fortitude, Speed, Dexterity, and Agiliyt, Monstrous Perception; Unearthly Intelligence; Stupendous Will; Incredible Reactions.


     Also known as Tulu, Clulu, Clooloo, Cthulu, Cthullu, C'thulhu, Cighulu, Cathulu, C'thlu, Kathulu, Kutulu, Kulu, Kthulhu, Q'thulu, K'tulu, Kthulhut, Kulhu, Kutunluu, Ktulu, Cuitiliú, Thu Thu, Xululú, Cthulhutl, Cutlu, Shooloo, Thooloo, Ka-Thoo-Loo, Kuthullhoo, Kuthoolhew, Hlu-Hlu, Khulu, Chullao, Khlul-Hliu, Tu-Lu, Tako-ika, Nagji-ojingo, High Priest of the Great Old Ones, The Great Dreamer, The Sleeper of R'lyeh, The Star Spawn, Him Who Lies Dreaming, Him Who Will Rise Again, Him Who is to Come, Lord of the Watery Abyss, and The Sleeping God. A pulpy tentacled octopoid head atop a giant 40-50 meter tall dragon winged roughly humanoidal shaped body with thick rubbery skin, and long sharp claws on its hands and feet. Cthulhu’s devotees claim that he communicates his will to them in their dreams and that he is telepathically aware of all things while he slumbers deep in the ocean depths. Cthulhu has many cults and followers, preparing the world for its inevitable nihilist fate.

     Abilities (14): Darkvision, Critical Claws, Critical Constrict/Strangle, Induce Dreams of Madness, Vicinity Telepathy, Compression, Area Affect Claws, Area Affect Grappling Tentacles.

     Resist (20): Aging, Death, Cold, Health Drain, Paralyze/Petrify, Disease/Infection, Mental Effects, Acid, Electricity, Sonic

     Knowledge (16): Arcana, Engineering, Geography, History, Nature, Hypergeometry, Religion, Sothothery.

     Attribute (234): 100 feet tall, Noteworthy Build; Unearthly Strength, Speed; Stamina, and Fortitude; Outrageous Dexterity and Amazing Agility; Beyond Unearthly Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Stupendous Reactions.

Zhar and Lloigor

     The twin obscenities from Arcturus, supposed air elementals physically connected to each other by shared tentacles, served and worshipped by the Tcho-Tcho’s Brotherhood of the Star Treader. Appearing as a titanic winged mass of tentacles connected to tall ropey bodies, they mostly communicate their wishes telepathically to their devotees or thru their dreams. Either twin can control the winds by some unknown means to chase and snare all who might defy their divine will. When Arcturus is in the sky, can project their image anywhere they please and to anyone.

     Attributes (97): Outstanding Height but Typical Build and Strength; Remarkable Speed; Amazing Stamina, but only Typical Fortitude; Fantastic Dexterity and Amazing Agility; Fantastic Perception, Intelligence, and Will; Fantastic Reactions.


     A giant ebon mass of wriggling tentacles and a large eye larger than a man’s head. Cyaegha worshippers hope to gain some vitality thru her worship, but also hope to not awaken her. Supposedly compulsions are placed while they dream to make them perform rituals that appease Cyaegha. Cyaegha is nihilist, hates all things and all people. Fortunately Cyaega sleeps, and imprisonment by the Vaeyen, "The Green Moon", "The White Fire Which Is Darker Than The Night", "The Winged Woman", "The White Dark Which Is More Red Than The Fire" and "The Black Light", who also protect Cyagha. Besides devotee worshippers, Cyagha is protected and served by the man-sized anthropoid toadlike Nagäae.

      Attributes (83): Fantastic Height; Remarkable Build, Strength, Stamina, and Fortitude; Amazing Speed; Remarkable Dexterity, Noteworthy Agility; Incredible Perception, Remarkable Intelligence, Spectacular Will, Amazing Reactions.


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