Garudas Cuisine Menu Planning for Entertaining Humani as Guests.

Garudas Cuisine Menu Planning for Entertaining Humani as Guests. (Humani as dinner was discussed previously) The names herein have been translated to the nearest Humani language equivalent, as the Humani lack a syrinx to be able to properly pronounce words like ' ᔦᕔᕅᓳᔐᕒᔐᕔ ', so we use 'Kaniswsa' which is the closest equivalent. Unless artificially reinforced, even the heartiest and most robust Humani are fairly delicate, and special accommodations must be made when introducing them to Garudas Cuisine. The heavy metal content of most plants and animals native to Garudas will easily overwhelm Humani single liver and relatively ineffectual kidneys. Experimenting with serving chelating agents between courses has not been shown to be sufficiently effective. Fortunately there are several Garudas foods which have moderate quantities of tin, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, silver, aluminium and nickel that will not be immediately toxic to Humani and have the added virtue t...