
Showing posts from May, 2021

Garudas Cuisine Menu Planning for Entertaining Humani as Guests.

Garudas Cuisine Menu Planning for Entertaining Humani as Guests. (Humani as dinner was discussed previously) The names herein have been translated to the nearest Humani language equivalent, as the Humani lack a syrinx to be able to properly pronounce words like ' ᔦᕔᕅᓳᔐᕒᔐᕔ ', so we use 'Kaniswsa' which is the closest equivalent. Unless artificially reinforced, even the heartiest and most robust Humani are fairly delicate, and special accommodations must be made when introducing them to Garudas Cuisine. The heavy metal content of most plants and animals native to Garudas will easily overwhelm Humani single liver and relatively ineffectual kidneys. Experimenting with serving chelating agents between courses has not been shown to be sufficiently effective. Fortunately there are several Garudas foods which have moderate quantities of tin, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, silver, aluminium and nickel that will not be immediately toxic to Humani and have the added virtue t

Sothothery is the embodiment of existential terror.

 S othothery is the embodiment of existential terror. Sothothery represents the existential terror that comes from the realization of our own smallness, insignificance and vulnerability in the cosmic scheme of things. From the inside, we think of ourselves as the very locus of significance, from the outside, we are quite insignificant. Religions over the ages have made a comfortable living trying to sooth the masses that they are more significant than they seem. Buy this string, kill this chicken, say this chant, and the gods will consent to your request. Cash only please, no checks or credit. Sothothery reveals forces so large as to be nearly beyond our comprehension, complex and advanced beyond our understanding, and powerful beyond our ability to even affect much less control or defeat. Sothothery fear come from being confronted with the fundamental misunderstanding of our importance in the universe. The revelation about our meaninglessness is what brings madness. There is

Vibranium Substitute

  Vibranium Substitute Taking the density of Vibranium Substitute being about 3 grams/cc, then a full body suit weighing about the same as your skin would weight about 9 kilograms, and be about 1.5 millimetres thick. The Vibranium Substitute 'armour' is composed of 23 trillion trillion interlocking nanoscopic coil springs, so when they are impacted by kinetic attacks (such as a bullet or a fist), then it would compress absorbing that energy and store it in the winding of the springs. The theoretical efficiency is probably only maybe 70% theoretically, and probably only 50-60% in practice. I will work with 50% efficiency. Part of the advantage of the interlocking coil springs is that the pressure (pounds per square inch) is not such a big deal. Think of instead of the full energy of the impact at only an area of 0.6 square centimeters, but instead spread over 1.5 meters, it hurts a lot less. It would only actually have to be spread out the kinetic energy to about 7 in

To Serve Man, Garudas Edition

  To Serve Man, Garudas Edition Whether Humani are actually sentient or even truly conscious, is still a matter of debate in academic circles, and surprisingly even in some Humani academic journals. It is questioned by many (including some Humani scholars) whether eating a sentient being is immoral or at the very least in poor taste (no pun intended). Regardless as to whether Humani are sentient or conscious or not, Garudas lawmakers has ruled on the side of caution that Humani should not be killed for food purposes, not that you would want to because of their foul taste and the excessive processing required. While there is only minimal debate whether killing a Humani for food purposes might be immoral or 'wrong', there is much more discussion and debate whether there is an inherent moral imperative not to eat one that just happens to be dead. That being said, most Humani that die from natural causes are even less palatable. Many Humani have great concerns about the desecra

The Reptiloid Menace

The Reptiloid Menace The Director from off-camera, "Speak about Reptiloids, or you don’t get paid." Farnsworthy, "Oh, my, yes." The Director from off camera, "You don’t get paid and no pie. Reptiloids, People, Reptiloids. Focus." Farnsworthy, "Oh, my, yes, Reptiloids for the win, Alex. As 12 million Fnordians 'know', most governments are run by nefarious shapeshifting human skinsuit wearing alien Reptiloid overlords, but most people are unsure which members of the government are the Reptiloids." Baseline Bob looking pieless, sad, and confused, "Do they like pie?" Farnsworthy, "They might and often do eat pie, to fit in amongst the dullard humani, but I don’t know if they like it." Baseline Bob looks aghast, "Who doesn’t like pie?" Farnsworthy, "Strange eccentric people who don’t like their fruit cooked, and of course nefarious Reptiloids. Pay attention, lad." Baseline Bob’s face st